

  1. People are calling the Last of Us the best video game ever but The Last of Us is not a video game. It is a movie where sometimes the viewer can do things.

    Thursday, 04-Jun-15 22:12:41 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation Yeah and supposedly it's supposed to be a if not the shining example of a playstation 3's capabilities and despite that, alongside the fact that it's post-apocalyptic I haven't really had interest in playing it.

      Thursday, 04-Jun-15 22:22:00 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation Yea, Beyond: 2 Souls is the best game ever.

      Friday, 05-Jun-15 00:55:10 UTC from web
    3. @mrmattimation That was my biggest critical issue with The Last of Us. In terms of visual design the game looked great, the story itself is passable, and in terms of gameplay Naughty Dog are no stranger to really tightly developed third person shooter mechanics. However, the core narrative and gameplay are so rigidly divorced from each other that the game evokes this sense of the player being more of a surrogate observer than an active participant. The world is built to feel organic but because it's not working within the framework of the game but rather outside of it it comes off as hollow and artificial, as though through playing further into the game you're simply moving from setpiece to setpiece and not forming a natural progression.

      Friday, 05-Jun-15 01:57:15 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal I genuinely would not go out of my way to play that game. I'd rather go watch a movie because I'd be getting the same experience.

        Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:00:04 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation I mean, it's not really a bad game by my metrics, just a poorly constructed one. All the individual components are well grounded, just that they were incredibly messily put together. To analogize, it's as though you have a band and each member is playing different parts from different songs all in different keys and tempos. Individually the playing of any given member would be considered well done, but collectively the group lacks any sense of cohesion and balance. But yeah, if you're not immediately interested in it I wouldn't recommend playing The Last of Us. As for a film recommendation that articulates similar themes and employs a similar narrative structure, check out the film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road (also the book in which it's based on is a fantastically punishing read, definitely worth checking out).

          Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:08:41 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal I was actually directed towards a movie adaptation by a coworker who happened to see I was reading it, should get on finding it.

            Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:13:37 UTC from web
            1. @awlditzy Yeah, I'm specifically referring to John Hillcoat's adaptation, which I thought was actually pretty fantastic.

              Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:15:32 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal There were more than one?

                Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:15:55 UTC from web
                1. @awlditzy No other ones that I know of.

                  Friday, 05-Jun-15 02:16:32 UTC from web