

  1. i also told my friend that you guys are all gay so hah

    Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:47:33 UTC from web
    1. @bobo excuse me; i'm a gay horse and you will address me as such.

      Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:48:46 UTC from web
      1. @awlelwa Alright, taken into account. Does anyone else need their labels adjusted?

        Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:51:19 UTC from web
        1. @bobo i am trash incarnate

          Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:52:48 UTC from web
        2. @bobo on all levels except physical I am a squid

          Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:53:52 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal physically, do you identify as a kid?

            Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:54:48 UTC from web
            1. @bobo My physical being exists in a quantum state of joint spin states for kid and squid particles in superposition represented by a state vector in a Hilbert space.

              Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:00:01 UTC from web
    2. @bobo also i'm gay

      Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:52:59 UTC from web
    3. @bobo Yeah, totes the gay.

      Not really.

      Monday, 10-Aug-15 02:53:46 UTC from web
    4. @bobo I thought everyone already knew that RDN was full of gay users.

      Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:06:14 UTC from web
      1. @m14brony Could you just stop? Seriously.

        Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:07:06 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos You first.

          Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:07:29 UTC from web
        2. @nerthos Hey man, he is not the only one.

          Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:07:36 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao He's the most abrasive one though

            Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:07:56 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos I've done nothing wrong.

              Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:09:20 UTC from web
              1. @m14brony I said stop.

                Monday, 10-Aug-15 03:09:55 UTC from web