

  1. what's going on

    Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:32:51 UTC from Mayonnaise
    1. @yodelerty Hoes

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:33:04 UTC from web
      1. @zazzle nice icon

        Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:33:35 UTC from Mayonnaise
      2. @zazzle Nice avatar choice.

        Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:33:37 UTC from web
        1. @awlelwa @yodelerty I decided I needed something a tad classier than half-black Sakurai for a while

          Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:34:30 UTC from web
          1. @zazzle Humphrey Bogart?

            Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:35:08 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal No it's Adam West

              Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:35:29 UTC from web
              1. @zazzle har har

                Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:35:51 UTC from web
          2. @zazzle but musclehiro

            Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:35:11 UTC from Mayonnaise
    2. @yodelerty strim is going on

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:33:05 UTC from web
      1. @bobo what are you streaming

        Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:34:02 UTC from Mayonnaise
    3. @yodelerty me teying yo become a less hayeful person

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:34:07 UTC from web
      1. @mushi good for you, it will be worth it

        Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:34:50 UTC from Mayonnaise
        1. @yodelerty yeah, i dont know how to actually fo that, though

          Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:35:53 UTC from web
          1. @mushi me neither otherwise i'd do it too

            Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:36:20 UTC from Mayonnaise
          2. @mushi maybe i should just waych dumb romances untill i start accepting it

            Monday, 28-Sep-15 00:36:31 UTC from web