

  1. Asked mom for cheap computer. She told me to get straight A's. Its in the middle of summer and I have never had straight a's in my entire life.

    Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:28:11 UTC from web
    1. @marsh that's called motivation, pal

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:29:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @abigpony Read the last part about never had straight A's. Actually I havent had an A since middle school.

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:30:50 UTC from web
    2. @marsh Work and buy one yourself, problem solved.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:30:42 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos No Job want me.

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:31:05 UTC from web
        1. @marsh Then run your own?

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:31:56 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Im not selling drugs (thats what people keep telling me). What am I going to do?

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:32:42 UTC from web
            1. @marsh I'm not talking about selling drugs. But there's always something in which you excell, and people are always looking for petty services or products.

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:34:29 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Errrrr.... I pretty much suck at everything. Not trying to be negative but uts true

                Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:35:15 UTC from web
                1. @marsh I don't know what to tell you, then.

                  Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:35:58 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos Yeah. >_>

                    Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:37:53 UTC from web
    3. @mrconventrix Yes drugs.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:34:39 UTC from web
    4. @mrconventrix Im not ready to get arrested or jumped yet. Plus miami is crazy.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:36:50 UTC from web
    5. @mrconventrix Most of my friends dont do drugs. The people I know that do are pretty scary. so no drugs. Also someone told me to go beg in the street >_>

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:39:15 UTC from web
    6. @mrconventrix mmmhmm I told him to do that himself and tell me how it goes.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:40:29 UTC from web
    7. @mrconventrix No jobs want me >_>

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:42:59 UTC from web
    8. @mrconventrix For someone who is totally antisocial IRL (according to others, I try to be.) and clumsy, how would working at a McDonalds turn out for me?

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:45:18 UTC from web
      1. @minti You'd be better than half the employees there, if your local one is anything like the one a few exits down from me.

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:46:19 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada My town is a lot smaller than most so, I doubt that. xD

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:48:59 UTC from web
      2. @minti Like the phantom of the opera, but with hot oil. The sound of burgers would misteriously fill the building at night.

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:47:27 UTC from web
    9. @mrconventrix Ive been told that mcdonalds is a bad place to work.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:45:39 UTC from web
    10. @mrconventrix I don't have the language requirements for where I live sadly. So, no drivethru or cashier for me. Stupid french xD

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:47:12 UTC from web
    11. @mrconventrix True :l

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:47:24 UTC from web
    12. @widget I'm on the edge, it's "I really don't want to work there cause it'll suck, but I need the money." atm. :/

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:47:57 UTC from web
      1. @minti foodservice isn't too bad if your coworkers are nice. Worst that could happen is you quit after 2 weeks and try someplace else. I worked at Taco Bell for a semester and liked it except for standing for hours on end.

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:51:46 UTC from web
        1. @pony Hmm. It's either McDonalds or Tim Hortons for me. (Tim Hortons is basically Canada's Starbucks. Just better.)

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:53:13 UTC from web
          1. @minti Better than Starbucks? Does that even _happen_?

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:53:56 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Well I've had both, and can say for sure I enjoyed Tim Hortons a LOT more. I never go to Tim Hortons either so it can't be cause I'm familiar with it. xD

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:55:39 UTC from web
              1. @minti I've never been to Tim Hortons, but if it's as good as you say it is I'll have to sneak aboard a plane to Canada and try it.

                Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:56:44 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada Enchiladas on a plane.

                  Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:57:11 UTC from web
                2. @redenchilada Well if you ever accidentally stumble into Canada, do give it a try. Oh, and try to find some Poutine too. It looks really gross but is amazing (and will give you a heart attack.)

                  Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:57:39 UTC from web
          2. @minti ah I see.

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:55:20 UTC from web
    13. @widget Those don't exist here. XD And min wage here is 10$. :p

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:48:42 UTC from web
      1. @minti $10 Minimum wage!? Lucky!!

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:49:26 UTC from web
        1. @dlcentaur @widget $10 CAD is about $9 USD, dunno how that compares to your minimum wage. xD

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:51:12 UTC from web
          1. @minti As @widget said, minimum wage is about $7.50 an hour.

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:53:08 UTC from web
            1. @dlcentaur Wow.

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:54:05 UTC from web
            2. @dlcentaur @minti cost of living varies from area to area and even more from country to country, even between the US and Canada, so comparing min wage is difficult

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:54:24 UTC from web
              1. @pony Truee. So very true.

                Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:54:50 UTC from web
    14. @widget #

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:50:45 UTC from web
    15. @widget Also Canadian bills look better. :(

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:52:05 UTC from web
    16. @mrconventrix But the thing is that I was once laughed at by the whole restaurant nearby at once cause I was wearing a shirt that had a dinosoar on it and pajama pants. Im sure they remember me. :l

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:52:21 UTC from web
      1. @marsh wear it to work

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:52:50 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Mc donalds has uniform and I am not doing that again :l

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:53:34 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada what the...? That isn't Scootaloo.

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:53:41 UTC from web
          1. @foxgopher I know.

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:54:06 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Who are you? Is Red out getting a haircut and you screwed with his stuff?

              Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:55:00 UTC from web
              1. @foxgopher #

                Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:55:39 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada Wait. Red. Are you being held hostage and the different avi is a secret cry for help?

                  Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:56:51 UTC from web
                  1. @foxgopher No.

                    Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:57:41 UTC from web
    17. @mrconventrix The employees were laughing too :l

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:54:22 UTC from web
    18. @widget The name doesn't seem familiar.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:56:18 UTC from web
    19. @widget how r u widget

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:56:34 UTC from web
    20. @mrconventrix You get to work with dino boy. The place I live the people are not nice and dont forget easily.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:57:47 UTC from web
    21. @mrconventrix okay :l I will get the job ._.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 00:59:51 UTC from web
    22. @mrconventrix The site needs the ability to collapse parts of a conversation tree.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:36:40 UTC from web
    23. @widget I wish every *chan had that, so badly.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:38:12 UTC from web
    24. @widget It's stuff like that, that makes me want to redesign the entire site from the ground up. I may take this up as a personal project one day, highly optimized highly usable, low resource micro-blogging service WITH respect to the public timeline AND an api. :l xD

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:15 UTC from web
      1. @minti But that's already my personal project which I haven't worked on at all in over two months but still plan to get back to someday!

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:40:03 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel But you're doing it in pythoonnnn I'm not even sure anyone here would know how to maintain that. xD

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:40:29 UTC from web
          1. @minti Python 3, cython, postgresql

            Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:42:10 UTC from web
    25. @widget I do wish that kind of stuff was used on Public.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:16 UTC from web
    26. @widget 4chan doesn't even have it.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:17 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel nor does ponychan. There's only add-ons for both

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:41:03 UTC from web
    27. @widget I was joking.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:24 UTC from web
      1. @marsh Well kindof

        Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:44 UTC from web
    28. @widget Vanilla Kusaba doesn't have the feature. I found that out when I set up an instance one time.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:39:52 UTC from web
    29. @mrconventrix He's referring to the post showing up by the cursor when you wave your mouse over it, I believe.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:41:08 UTC from web
    30. @widget Well, it is a factual statement. Facts and morals are two different things.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:41:09 UTC from web
    31. @widget .... I need to learn Python. T.T

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:41:47 UTC from web
    32. @widget I'd rather not. I'd rather not even discuss that here.

      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 01:43:01 UTC from web