

  1. I thought this site was dead for the last 6 months cause I kept getting this error. I tried different browsers and devices and same thing but today it finally worked. Anyone else have this issue?

    about 10 months ago from web
    1. @macpony55 on desktop for whatever reason the site only works with my VPN on for me, I just didn’t notice for the longest time because I always have my VPN on. Mobile it’s always worked fine. I should probably try and inform Cerulean

      about 10 months ago from web
      1. @zeldatra It started right back up after I posted, both on dekstop and mobile. It's working through a VPN on my phone right now but only half the images are loading.

        about 10 months ago from web
    2. @macpony55 Never had that issue. Never on Desktop, never on Mobile.

      about 10 months ago from web
    3. @macpony55 I have a problem with pictures not wanting to load on desktop, but not this

      about 10 months ago from web
      1. @scribus Yeah even when it did load all the media was broken

        about 10 months ago from web
    4. @macpony55 I always get this with almost any browser I use. Only way I can get it to load conisistently is by using this macos app called fluid. Other than that it’s almost inaccessible for me lol. I don’t mind though, adds to the charm :)

      about 10 months ago from web
    5. @macpony55 Concerning. Looking into it

      about 10 months ago from web
      1. @thelastgherkin this is unfaithful because the thing being alleged is actually happening

        about 10 months ago from web