

  1. Good morning~

    Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 05:58:44 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina Good morning and goodbye (ugh, school).

      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 05:59:34 UTC from web
    2. @cavatina Morning :D

      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 05:59:40 UTC from web
    3. @cavatina Morning!

      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 05:59:44 UTC from web
    4. @cavatina This is a thing

      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 05:59:49 UTC from web
      1. @toksyuryel Notbsure if # or # =/

        Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:04:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @toksyuryel :D!

        Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:15:39 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina *drags you to bed with him for plushiehugs~*

          Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:16:16 UTC from web
          1. @toksyuryel Sleep well~

            Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:22:49 UTC from web
    5. @cavatina Good morning, Katy ^-^ wubsies

      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:02:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @derpyshy @yodelerty @omni @neurario snugglies for you all

        Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:15:54 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina nomsycuddles ^.^ How are you this morning? :3

          Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:17:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @derpyshy ^.^ My tummy hurts, but other than that, i'm good! Plus my tummy will stop hurting in 10 minutes like usual~ You? :3

            Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:23:12 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina Silly tummy :3 I hope it doesn't hurt THAT much, though ^-^ snugglies And I'm alright, just lying in bed at Novotel Blackfriars in London, reading a fanfic o3o

              Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:26:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @derpyshy London UK? o3o Yay! :3

                Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:33:41 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina Yay! ^3^ I wish I could go to Trowbridge instead, though ;_;

                  Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:34:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @derpyshy day i'll meet you! :3

                    Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:35:53 UTC from web
                    1. @cavatina Promise? :3

                      Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:37:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @derpyshy Yus~

                        Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:38:33 UTC from web
                        1. @cavatina :D tummywub o3o How far away from London is trowbridge, actually? :o

                          Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:40:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @derpyshy about 3 hours away~

                            Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:41:51 UTC from web
                            1. @cavatina That's not too far o3o I want to go there now~~ ;_;

                              Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:43:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @derpyshy @cavatina Agh... You two are both in the same country as me, but I can't see you cause you're on the other side... :c

                                Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:57:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                1. @lovetolerateandsquee @cavatina Waah ;-;

                                  Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 06:59:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid