Monday, 18-Feb-13 13:09:53 UTC from web
@pony Spike has a crush on Rarity!
@tenmihara Veritaserum was used on Twilight.
@pony Loose Lips Sink Friendships
@pony It's ineffective. Twilight is a perfect Occlumens.
@ceruleanspark that doesn't even... Twilight is Celestia's horcrux so occlumency is ineffective.
@pony The sun is Celestias horcrux, so she doesn't need Twilight.
@ceruleanspark ooh! She's goood.
@pony The murder she commited to fragment her soul for the process was her own parents.
@ceruleanspark If she did in bnoth her parents, then who did Luna murder?
@pony Luna is also a horcrux. The nightmare moon thing was a ruse to keep her compliant and silent.
@ceruleanspark I see. So she "lives while [her sister] survives." that makes sense.
@pony Celestia, too much of a coward to face death, was also too much of a coward to face eternity alone, so she inflicted the curse of immortality on her own sister, to keep her company for the endless precession of time.
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@ceruleanspark Glory to the Solar Empire