

  1. On a completely unrelated side note, could somebody get me unbanned from SBN?

    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:41:37 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra How in God's name do you get banned from SBN?

      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:42:16 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg Talking about horses

        Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:42:44 UTC from web
        1. @scoot SBN?

          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:43:15 UTC from web
          1. @digitalspark We'll tell you when you're older

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:43:47 UTC from web
            1. @scoot Awwwww :( Grown up stuff

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:44:25 UTC from web
      2. @flamingpandaomg That's easy

        Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:42:47 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Really? I assumed it'd take a lot more considering the nature of the site.

          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:43:47 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg Yeah generally it's like that but one of the rules specifically says that the staff can harass and ban at will

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:44:40 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos LMAO that's new to me. Never knew that.

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:45:32 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg You're too new

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:17 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos I also never go on SBN even though I have an account there. Never have a need to go there.

                  Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:48:11 UTC from web
            2. @nerthos What a dumb rule.

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:45:43 UTC from web
              1. @digitalspark It's a dumb site.

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:45:56 UTC from web
                1. @scribus Then why go there?

                  Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:33 UTC from web
                  1. @digitalspark Exactly.

                    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:49 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot Ah. So it's one of those places on the internet...

                      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:29 UTC from web
                  2. @digitalspark Specifically for the dumb.

                    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:59 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus Curbing the less intelligent

                      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:48:03 UTC from web
              2. @digitalspark It's a great rule. It keeps the "private club" nature intact.

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:02 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos A club no one wants to be in.

                  Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:48:17 UTC from web
                  1. @digitalspark Good joke.

                    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:48:33 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I try.

                      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:49:22 UTC from web
      3. @flamingpandaomg Dear @northernnarwhal, everypony here is crazy. Your faithful student, @Digitalspark

        Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:44:04 UTC from web
        1. @digitalspark i am not crazy i am merely a man with a broken mind

          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:45:54 UTC from web
          1. @therainbowdashx Soooooooooo, crazy?

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:25 UTC from web
            1. @digitalspark technically yes

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:48:34 UTC from web
              1. @therainbowdashx Great! We got that settled!

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:49:14 UTC from web
        2. @digitalspark Seems about right. I'd say I'm crazy, but you never really know you're crazy. I guess when you're crazy, the rest of the world seems to go crazy around. I mean, you can't diagnose yourself in terms of the organ doing the diagnosing, sort of like how you can't see your own eyeball.

          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:26 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal "John Dies at the End?"

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:46:50 UTC from web
            1. @scribus YES! You win the internet.

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:46 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal Woo! :D

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:59 UTC from web
                1. @scribus Glad to see I'm not the only one here who likes it. =D

                  Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:49:55 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal Same! Book(s)? Movie?

                    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:50:34 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus Both. I've read John Dies and Spiders, and I've watched the John Dies movie several times.

                      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:51:55 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal Righteous.

                        Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:52:08 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus Easily one of my favourite books I've read in a while now. Really eccentric, and quite creative.

                          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:54:00 UTC from web
                          1. @northernnarwhal An excellent blend of horror and comedy. Eagerly anticipating the third book, and hoping more movies come along.

                            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:54:44 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus I couldn't agree more. Jason Pargin is a modern day Douglas Adams, and an incredible writer. I'm just not sure how they will make a movie based off of Spiders, since Molly ("Bark Lee") died at the end of the John Dies movie.

                              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:58:09 UTC from web
                              1. @northernnarwhal Yeah, that is true...

                                Monday, 29-Jul-13 04:00:36 UTC from web
          2. @northernnarwhal Mirrors. You can use others around you to judge if you're crazy.

            Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:47:03 UTC from web
            1. @digitalspark Without the use of an external device then, and if you're crazy you're probably not going to be doing a lot of rationalising.

              Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:49:17 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal Probably. But i'm not that crazy... #

                Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:50:00 UTC from web
                1. @digitalspark I don't think I'm crazy, but if you know me you know I'm the sort of person who will probably snap someday and go absolutely mental.

                  Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:51:23 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal im absolutely mental, just took my first medication today o.o i feel so much better

                    Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:53:47 UTC from web
                    1. @therainbowdashx I've had borderline personality disorder since I was young, I don't have meds for it but it took some getting used to.

                      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:54:39 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal i have bipolar and its very unsafe to have it unmedicated as a person with my extremity of the illness, i aldo find it horrible to live through e.e

                        Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:57:34 UTC from web
                        1. @therainbowdashx Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. Not being on meds was my choice, and as dangerous as it is I've managed to take better control of it.

                          Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:59:37 UTC from web
                          1. @northernnarwhal i could go off med but, i would always have the risk of killing someone or myself e.e wich luckily were only thoughts but not wants, although any further down the path i was on and they would havee been wants, im thinking about going on this med until i feel alright and have recovered and then go off and try to manage with the knoledge i learned, because i was not expecting all of it before

                            Monday, 29-Jul-13 04:05:31 UTC from web
    2. @zeldatra wow the hell did you get banned

      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:42:16 UTC from web
    3. @zeldatra You're not banned.

      Monday, 29-Jul-13 03:42:43 UTC from web