

  1. # I'd be Shining Armor because I share in his passion for the military as well as his passion for being the best BBBFF ever.

    Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 13:21:43 UTC from web
    1. @azureblaze and what about his passion for Cadence?

      Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 13:27:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @trixie That is the only part of him I am not like. Because I am looking forward to joining the marines when I get older having a love interest or wife would only make things more complicated.

        Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 17:39:47 UTC from web
        1. @azureblaze I can imagine that would be a serious concern. Good for you for taking it seriously.

          Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 17:40:40 UTC from web
        2. @azureblaze Speaking of marines, I don't think we will go to war with Syria... If we do we will make Russia angry which will in turn make China angry and if we go to war with China it will be the end for the good old USA as we know it. Does anyone else care to give their input on the subject?

          Wednesday, 04-Sep-13 17:50:28 UTC from web