Notices tagged with disctop

  1. # The top of @trashboat

    Saturday, 05-Apr-14 03:57:22 UTC from web in context Repeated by tiff
  2. # The top of @trashboat

    Saturday, 05-Apr-14 03:57:22 UTC from web in context
  3. # the top of a disc.

    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 19:10:34 UTC from web in context
  4. # My butt itches

    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 19:05:36 UTC from web in context
  5. # im a mod

    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 19:04:58 UTC from web
  6. # im cool

    Tuesday, 01-Apr-14 19:02:47 UTC from web in context
  7. # Soulshine will attempt to convince me to update her tumblr.

    Sunday, 09-Mar-14 05:09:44 UTC from web
  8. #
    Twilight: READ MORE BOOKS!
    Fluttershy: STOP BEING SCARED! if thats alright~
    Rainbow: GO FASTER

    Saturday, 08-Mar-14 03:27:58 UTC from web
  9. # Twilight: Meticulously updating the disctop.

    Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 04:31:09 UTC from web
  10. # Twilight Sparkle: Learn literally everything, and then invent new knowledge.

    Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 01:46:10 UTC from web
  11. # Rainbow Dash: Remain 120% cool.
    Pinkie: Stop killing everyone... I guess...
    Rarity: Maybe living without staying in fashion
    Applejack: Have some vacations
    Twilight: I got nothing :l

    Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 22:36:27 UTC from web
  12. # Rainbow's would be to win the Equestria Games

    Monday, 24-Feb-14 01:35:18 UTC from web
  13. # Rainbow dash: gotta go fast, Fluttershy: discover its her shadow following her and not something horrifying :/ , twilight: attempt to be even remotely interesting, Applejack: moar apples, Rarity: to actually live up to her element... Pinkie Pie: Finally get to make some cupcakes.......

    Tuesday, 18-Feb-14 20:49:07 UTC from web in context
  14. # Mane six- open the box.

    Monday, 17-Feb-14 23:58:51 UTC from web
  15. # Derpies new years resolution would be to bake blue berry muffins instead of going to sugar cube corner.

    Sunday, 09-Feb-14 18:04:56 UTC from web in context
  16. # Rainbow's resolution would be to remain 100% cool.

    Saturday, 01-Feb-14 20:36:45 UTC from web
  17. What is #?

    Thursday, 30-Jan-14 21:33:17 UTC from web in context
  18. # All the gamers, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie would have 4K as new monitor resolutions since it is not a party till you can count the particles of confetti in the background. All the hipster ponies and bon-bon would just give you a newspaper dad like odd-look saying they use a mac or tablet or newspaper ironically. All the workaholics would laugh in your face saying that resolution does not matter as long as it's effective. And the CMC still have not put their computer together.

    Monday, 27-Jan-14 10:50:23 UTC from web
  19. # not necessarily on topic but my New Years resolution was to actually stick with my future New Years resolutions... that way I don't have to quit on it for at least a year.

    Sunday, 26-Jan-14 16:57:01 UTC from web
  20. # This is a trick question. Every pony is scale invariant and thus doesn't have a fixed resolution.

    Friday, 24-Jan-14 22:30:36 UTC from Choqok Repeated by nerthos
  21. # This is a trick question. Every pony is scale invariant and thus doesn't have a fixed resolution.

    Friday, 24-Jan-14 22:30:36 UTC from Choqok
  22. # Dash: Go fast, eventually pass the speed of light in fastness
    Pinkie: Never stop partying
    Flutters: Begin the Adopt-an-Animal program for lonely crocodiles
    Applejack: Grow more apples
    Rarity: Stop being worst pony
    Twilight: 2560x1600
    Background ponies: Gain sentience

    Friday, 17-Jan-14 18:55:54 UTC from web in context
  23. # to get more monies for nutriants

    Thursday, 16-Jan-14 17:25:40 UTC from web
  24. # Who needs resolutions when you got a sammich

    Thursday, 16-Jan-14 00:48:49 UTC from web
  25. # I think their cumulative resolutions would probably be "stop making enemies," since I'm pretty sure that's what they're supposed to be discouraging.

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 22:01:19 UTC from web
  26. # when they're like this

    Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 12:07:07 UTC from web in context
  27. # I don't like seeing ponies in clothes. ;)

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 17:59:06 UTC from web Repeated by awlderpy
  28. # I don't like seeing ponies in clothes. ;)

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 17:59:06 UTC from web
  29. # ARMOR!!!!!!! fus ro YAY!!!!!

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 09:48:40 UTC from web
  30. # I prefer Hoodies, but Anime style ponies wearing hoodies

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 10:45:35 UTC from web