

  1. flamingspandaomg, why is your picture of Pat from two best friends play getting scared playing outlast?

    Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 18:11:14 UTC from web
    1. @azureblaze Because Pat's the best. Also +200 brownie points for knowing EXACTLY what it was.

      Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 18:11:55 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg Two best friends play is like the best YouTube show ever!

        Thursday, 03-Oct-13 17:39:30 UTC from web
    2. @azureblaze little bendy reply arrow beneath all messages makes replying easier and links your message so you can click "in contect"

      Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 18:14:38 UTC from web
      1. @pony @azureblaze sorry if you already knew.. I'm on a roll today with informing newponies

        Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 18:15:39 UTC from web
      2. @pony I know but I wan't replying to one of his posts. Also yes I am still relatively new here so I don't know how the @ ! or # functions work.

        Thursday, 03-Oct-13 17:40:45 UTC from web
        1. @azureblaze use @<name> to send a notice to someone's attention, use !<name> to link to a group, provided you're a part of it and use #<tag> to tag something, which makes it searchable under that tag.

          Thursday, 03-Oct-13 17:49:53 UTC from web
          1. @scoot Thank you

            Thursday, 03-Oct-13 17:58:50 UTC from web
            1. @azureblaze No problem :)

              Thursday, 03-Oct-13 17:59:26 UTC from web
    3. @azureblaze context*

      Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 18:14:50 UTC from web