

  1. Wishing I had a special somepony..

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:23:11 UTC from web
    1. @sorentehpegisus ew

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:23:44 UTC from web
    2. @sorentehpegisus Same here, man. Having trouble finding the right guy or girl, but it'll happen. Eventually.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:23:52 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation But I cant find anyone...

        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:25:32 UTC from web
        1. @sorentehpegisus Have you tried looking

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:25:43 UTC from web
        2. @sorentehpegisus You're how old? If you're not on your death bed, then you have plenty of time. Stop stressing over it so much.

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:26:04 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg @scoot I'm 18, and really just tired...

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:27:31 UTC from web
            1. @sorentehpegisus You're fine. You need to just go out there and meet people, I know that's the least helpful advice ever but it's seriously what you have to do.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:28:08 UTC from web
            2. @sorentehpegisus You're 18 man. You have your entire life to find that special someone. The more you stress over it the longer it'll take. Just let it happen naturally.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:28:12 UTC from web
            3. @sorentehpegisus You'll get out of it, and then tired again, then get out of it again. Belive it!

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:28:19 UTC from web
              1. @awlderpy @flamingpandaomg @scoot Its just.. I dont really have places to meet people.. except conventions... And so.. I haven't meet really anyone.

                Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:32:27 UTC from web
                1. @sorentehpegisus You'll find someone, honest.

                  Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:33:00 UTC from web
                2. @sorentehpegisus Meet them there maybe.

                  Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:33:02 UTC from web
                3. @sorentehpegisus They're not gonna come to you, dude. You gotta make it happen

                  Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:33:52 UTC from web
                  1. @scoot @awlderpy @flamingpandaomg I have meet people there.. just no one interested in me.. and I do talk and talk and talk. .. nope nothing

                    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:35:11 UTC from web
                    1. @sorentehpegisus Are you forcing it? If so, don't ever force it. You get nothing but bad from that.

                      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:35:43 UTC from web
                      1. @awlderpy @flamingpandaomg I guess I am.. But then agian I am to straight forward..

                        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:38:14 UTC from web
                        1. @sorentehpegisus Well there you go. Relax and let it happen.

                          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:40:17 UTC from web
                    2. @sorentehpegisus You're 18 man, relax.

                      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:36:14 UTC from web
        3. @sorentehpegisus Neither can I. A lot of us, really. It's all about patience. And not being afraid to put yourself out there. Talk to people. Make friends before you make boy or girlfriends, you know?

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:27:26 UTC from web
    3. @sorentehpegisus Better to just ignore people who have them and not think about it.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:24:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @snowcone It's a nice experience, but it's almost doomed to fail since usually you're still figuring out who you are by time you become an adult, if not still figuring it out.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:28:46 UTC from web
    5. @snowcone exactly.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:30:42 UTC from web
    6. @snowcone Yeah but I never got to have that feeling since I only have one childhood friend left that I'm in contact with and he's a... he.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:32:40 UTC from web
    7. @snowcone Well, it's only if you consider 6th grade onwards as childhood.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 01:57:34 UTC from web