Delrotronic Developers's home timeline


  1. # # # It's an arc to get Twilight started on her eventual (probably never to be shown in FiM, but maybe spinoff or later) ascension to the throne by having her get experience resolving political problems by proxy through managing her connections, leadership of her most trusted allies, and her friendships. And we'll also get full justification for the new Season 2 end characters over the duration of Season 3.

    Thursday, 27-Sep-12 12:45:21 UTC from web
    • Oh no, @ctrl+v is back! *Flees Internet.*

      Monday, 24-Sep-12 14:32:55 UTC from web
      • Time to change my username!

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 14:07:07 UTC from web
      • Oh right, now I remember. Season 3 # The only thing Friendship related about it will be the title and the implication that the main characters are supposed to be friends with eachother. A new godly figure will show up at some point. There will be balloons in at least one episode.

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 14:21:47 UTC from web
      • I actually came here to mention something Friendship is Magic related, but I forgot it by the time I made the first post.

        Monday, 24-Sep-12 14:17:44 UTC from web

          Sunday, 23-Sep-12 21:24:06 UTC from web
        • That last comment may or may not be related to an imgur collection in the comments sections of a pony related reddit post.

          Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:16:20 UTC from web
          • The more fanart I stumble across that toys with the idea of Lyra as a human-loving pony, the more I like the thought of a human loving pony. It makes a reasonable parallel for pony-loving viewers, too.

            Monday, 24-Sep-12 02:12:53 UTC from web
          • Remember that comment I made earlier this week? # !vgp

            Friday, 21-Sep-12 02:34:57 UTC from web
          • # Ivan likes ponies.

            Friday, 21-Sep-12 19:59:26 UTC from web
            • A Fluttershy Plush toy as the ultimate AI developed for combat? Yeah, that's totally an interesting possible alternate universe. !vgp (Insert something related to Easy Mode here.)

              Friday, 21-Sep-12 19:59:03 UTC from web
              • "Just found a pony made of diamonds!" Rarity, no! !VGP #

                Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 13:17:33 UTC from web

                Friday, 21-Sep-12 02:36:56 UTC from web
                • Svikwvik, R ulitlg gsv xrksvi xszmtvw. Zmbdzb, gsv kiverlfh nvhhztv hgroo hgzmwh.

                  Monday, 17-Sep-12 15:58:44 UTC from web
                • Hey @Retl, why do YOU Like Gravity Falls? Because the main character's love interest keeps showing up where the balloons are for some reason? Nope. Because it makes me laugh and question the presentation of things. (OTP Tyrone-Dippingsauce. Kidding.)

                  Monday, 17-Sep-12 16:03:04 UTC from web
                • Also Visio is made of evil.

                  Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 13:17:59 UTC from web
                  • And now back to not being here.

                    Monday, 17-Sep-12 16:03:28 UTC from web
                    • Waitwaitwait WHY is Stan so pleased about coming with Mable without pants?

                      Monday, 17-Sep-12 15:55:10 UTC from web
                    • Dv d uhplqghu brx fdq fdwfk hslvrghv mxvw xqghu d zhhn hduob li brx sdb iru Glvqhb rq Ghpdqg

                      Monday, 17-Sep-12 15:58:10 UTC from web
                      • Just got up, and there's a new Rainbow Dash Presents in my inbox. I'm pretty darn thrilled.

                        Saturday, 08-Sep-12 15:47:11 UTC from web
                      • I'd totally snug Sweetie Belle btw. She's cute and marshmallowy.

                        Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 20:37:36 UTC from web
                        • Wait so now all that everyone's doing is talking about how much they want to **** ******* *****? I didn't **** up for ****! Or. Something. And off I go again.

                          Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 20:36:39 UTC from web
                        • That's not me roleplaying with you. That's me saying hello for however long I stick around today. It's also me wondering if I should change my color design around.

                          Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 20:21:32 UTC from web
                          • *Falls asleep mid-senten*-- ZzzzZZZzzz.

                            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 20:20:55 UTC from web
                            • Good morning everybirdie. Err, I'm Nanaki Kazuaki. I seem to be your teacher this year.

                              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 22:11:04 UTC from web
                            • Just finished the BMD demo. It's a little clunky, but an enjoyable 'Metroidvania'-style action-adventure game. !vgp

                              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 03:55:59 UTC from web
                            • April was five months ago, guys.

                              Sunday, 02-Sep-12 03:55:33 UTC from web
                            • @zarkanorf I bet I didn't spell that correctly. If I did, hiya!

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 17:08:35 UTC from web
                              • And then lamb costumes were mandatory.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 17:08:07 UTC from web
                                • I checked out a cartoon because a friend said so. What they forgot to mention about the most recent episode... !bln ended up being the reason why I went and marathoned the rest of it a few days later. Long story short, Gravity Falls is a good show to watch if you like silly humor and find supernatural themes interesting. BEHOLD, THE #!

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 12:48:56 UTC from web