DJ Screwball (my freinds call me DJ or Screwball)'s home timeline


  1. So, tonight at work, I heard the manager on duty scream like a little girl and run for the phone. Apparently, some guy had driven a minivan over the hump in our driveway and popped a tire and started acting like a maniac. He was arrested for disturbance of the peace, driving under the influence (he blew a 0.12, according to what the cops told the manager), and possession of marijuana and methamphetamines. Then a group of volleyball players came in at the stroke of nine, which was the end of my shift, to get dinner. So I worked half an hour past my shift :(

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:33:06 UTC from web
  2. @pony << knock yourself out me breda!

    Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 05:30:28 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 08:07:02 UTC from web
  4. !atlantabronies I know this may be some what impromptu but im gonna be at six flags with my family tomorrow and i was wondering if anyone would be available to meet up. Also @mistabrony thanks for convention info. i meant reply sooner but i run off my phones internet and my data was running out. Sorry.

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 15:03:14 UTC from web
    • <Nick> [14:53] Anyway, I can't help feeling about Last of Us that some moustache twirlers at Sony had this to say. <Nick> [14:53] "If we begin quietly focussing on non-violent games for PlayStation, we could make one last massive shooter game which will be so disturbing and unsettling to play that nobody will want to play a shooter again for years. Then, we will finally win the console war."

      Monday, 11-Jun-12 18:56:55 UTC from web
      • you guys notice there's a significant absence of sad acoustic/piano pony music? Imagine pony music that sounds like Journey, or Elton John ("Hold me closer Tiny Pony / Counting ponies on the highway...")

        Monday, 11-Jun-12 18:42:02 UTC from web
        • @crusader8 there's a strong lack of non-electronic brony music, period…there's a few exceptions (if skootties would quit re-arranging songs from the show and just make more pony themes that would be soooo awesome) but on the whole it's largely electronic. It's sort of like that creeping realization we've had since 2008 that the gaming market is just becoming a shooting gallery with little else :x

          Monday, 11-Jun-12 18:55:15 UTC in context
      • @abigpony fair enough.

        Monday, 11-Jun-12 06:28:54 UTC from web

        Monday, 11-Jun-12 06:28:15 UTC from web
        • Apparently people are calling Adam Levine the King of Pop. We really DO reward mediocrity these days, don't we? I mean, I don't see Adam Levine making any Thriller-grade music…

          Monday, 11-Jun-12 06:05:00 UTC from web
        • !atlantabronies Okay. Making a new post so all the most current info on the meetup is in one post. -Date: Saturday May 26th -Where: The Mall Of Georgia -Specific meeting place: The mall food court -Time: 3:30pm-4:00pm We will wait at the food court till about 4-4:15pm then move out. -What: Peruse the mall, Hang out, Raid the Toys"r"Us across the street, Grab lunch(or Dinner) somewhere in the area (People will need their own food money). Below are information/links for people to contact me for more information and a link to the Mall's website: My Email:"Canterlanta" Facebook Group: The Mall Website:

          Monday, 21-May-12 07:18:22 UTC from web
        • @dj3kxlr Welcome to the funderful world of RDN #!

          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:58:51 UTC from plot
          • Long day of Airsoft, FL Studio, and Ponies. Time for some well earned rest. Screwball, OUT.

            Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:58:36 UTC from web