DJ Screwball (my freinds call me DJ or Screwball)'s home timeline


  1. @nakedpops !atlantabronies Count me in! I live in Buford. 2 minutes away from the mall. Also sent request to join FB group.

    Saturday, 30-Jun-12 22:40:44 UTC from web
    • lol, /r/atheism ‘arguments’

      Saturday, 30-Jun-12 07:04:17 UTC from web
      • oh lawd.

        Friday, 29-Jun-12 18:21:55 UTC from web
        • Well, it seems that I am almost back on schedule. Waking up at 1 in the afternoon is a massive improvement.

          Friday, 29-Jun-12 17:18:37 UTC from web
          • !atlantabronies So, A meetup at the Mall of Georgia on July the 20th to see "Dark Knight Rises". Anyone up for that?

            Sunday, 17-Jun-12 05:29:40 UTC from web
          • I keep getting logged out D:

            Thursday, 28-Jun-12 19:25:09 UTC from web
            • @greydragon412 @lyokotravels @scribble @nakkecil22 @toksyuryel scales tipping in favor of pegasi

              Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:59:38 UTC from web
            • No opinions on a Twilight poster? Really? Not even if it's ?

              Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 01:55:29 UTC from web
              • - likes this.
            • I just realized I have high-enough-resolution images on my hard drive to make a Twilight Sparkle poster. Should I do this?

              Sunday, 24-Jun-12 17:56:47 UTC from web
              • These Sims 3 updates are a constant aggravation. Dangit EA.

                Sunday, 24-Jun-12 04:00:50 UTC from web
              • I'm starting to get good with the sniper on Borderlands

                Thursday, 21-Jun-12 23:32:16 UTC from web
              • “Jeff foxworthy is funnnnnny!!!!” << this got someone deleted from my friends list.

                Saturday, 23-Jun-12 07:01:11 UTC from web
                • @thatonepony there isn't

                  Friday, 22-Jun-12 08:48:38 UTC from web
                • A new Twilight Sparkle desktop. I love Twilight Sparkle so much <3 Hopefully soon I can get a Twilight Sparkle plush.

                  Thursday, 21-Jun-12 09:33:30 UTC from web
                • I haven't had much to do online tonight, or anything to check, and I spent 12-4am out with friends. What the heck, interwebz?!

                  Thursday, 21-Jun-12 08:13:41 UTC from web
                  • You can never have enough Twilight Sparkle.

                    Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 21:01:07 UTC from web
                  • !technoponies NEW DUBSTEP SONG :D

                    Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 19:26:32 UTC from web
                    • I hate summers. They're so boring. I wish I was working so I wasn't so bored.

                      Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 16:47:58 UTC from web
                      • If EA were a benevolent publisher/developer they would make it possible to record chants for their sports games. I want to record a chant for my mondo awesome college legend when he gets to the pros. Because he's going to single-handedly save my Buccaneers when he gets there.

                        Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 05:34:14 UTC from web
                        • okay so who should I be contacting to get in on this “OC's Mine!” fad?

                          Monday, 18-Jun-12 22:49:17 UTC from web
                          • beat Halo 3 with the roommate at 6am, still puzzling out how I'm going to beat that bridge finale in L4D2

                            Monday, 18-Jun-12 19:08:04 UTC from web
                          • WHY AM I UP AT SIX IN THE MORNING?!?!

                            Monday, 18-Jun-12 10:04:01 UTC from web
                          • Air Crash Investigation episodes <3

                            Sunday, 17-Jun-12 05:23:46 UTC from web
                            • what's up my bronies?

                              Saturday, 16-Jun-12 08:31:39 UTC from web
                            • well…hi there

                              Friday, 15-Jun-12 07:04:07 UTC from web
                            • I'm on the job search yet again.

                              Thursday, 14-Jun-12 20:43:45 UTC from web
                              • !atlantabronies Hello all! We over at the "Canterlanta" Facebook group( are setting up a bookclub of sorts for the reading of FanFics from this fandom. We are currently in the planning stages. We will have Live Readings and discussions of the fics we read through Skype group calls. We are also in the process of setting up a Minecraft server so folks have a place to congrigate while the Readings/Discussions happen. For any further Information see the "Canterlanta" Facebook group, and to join add dj-mab3, Nakedpops, Twi.ce.shy, or jps_dlo on Skype. In your Skype add request please be sure to make a note that you are interested in joining the group. We will be doing Smaller/one-shot fics as well as Larger/Multi-chapter ones. Our first "Major Fic" will be "Allegrezza" by: CoffeeGrunt! To anyone interested; We hope to see you there.

                                Thursday, 14-Jun-12 20:40:01 UTC from web
                                • I am so mad right now. Cleveland gets a Tara appearance. They also get Andrew W.K. What about Atlanta? Atlanta gets…oh, that's right, absolutely nothing. Not even like a VA for freaking parasprites. And if I had driven six hours I could have gone to a con that Tara canceled an appearance at. That's the best I could possibly do. This is so trash. Last time I checked I live four hours or less from FIVE commerce centers here in the southeast and we get precisely zero brony cons. WHERE ARE MY BRONYCONS? I WILL FREAKING SPEND MONEY AT THEM. BUT THEY HAVE TO ACTUALLY EXIST FIRST.

                                  Thursday, 14-Jun-12 08:15:00 UTC from web
                                  • I have much love and tolerance for my fellow man until I read the comments on a typical Yahoo article or YouTube video. Then I want to become a genocidal maniac devoted to destroying the subhumans that occupy these comment sections.

                                    Thursday, 14-Jun-12 05:35:24 UTC from web
                                    • So, the coworker everyone else is trying to set me up with is originally from Michigan. As an accent-less dyed-in-the-wool Southern sort I don't really know how I feel about that

                                      Wednesday, 13-Jun-12 06:03:46 UTC from web