DJ Screwball (my freinds call me DJ or Screwball)'s home timeline


  1. @mrconventrix thanks :)

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:51:52 UTC from web
  2. here, have a cute

    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 07:19:18 UTC from web
    • @greydragon412 I'm going to guess that in your case it's a madness to touch yourself inappropriately?

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 14:09:46 UTC from web
    • @mrconventrix that's one way of looking at it :s

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 09:12:14 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony >wat

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 08:28:50 UTC from web
    • @pony do you do all the art for that tumblr?

      Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 13:39:05 UTC from web
    • I think I'll go back to reading ship fics of ponies

      Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 09:59:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • So here's a hypothetical I was given. If you would be turned into a pony and get to live with your favorite pony from the show, would you do it if it meant losing all memory of the first ten years of your life?

      Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 08:54:13 UTC from web
    • !atlantabronies @nakedpops yo, you get my message about a fellow brony wanting to help in the raid? :D

      Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 03:50:24 UTC from web
      • So yeah. Twilight Sparkle plush. Anybrony wanna hook me up with someone who makes good ones?

        Sunday, 08-Jul-12 18:16:33 UTC from web
      • I woke up today at about 12 after going to sleep at 10am to feeling like I was on fire but not sweating. Heat stroke is somewhere between “finding a knife in my gut” and “waking up to a panther clawing my face off” in terms of things I want to see or feel when I wake up.

        Sunday, 08-Jul-12 17:44:42 UTC from web
      • hey RDN. so I'm in the market for a Twilight Sparkle plush. if anyone knows some good places to look for one that isn't terrible please reply to this notice with some suggestions. kthx.

        Sunday, 08-Jul-12 12:42:58 UTC from web
        • apparently this happened.

          Sunday, 08-Jul-12 12:37:20 UTC from web
        • gah that main page hurts me eyes.

          Sunday, 08-Jul-12 06:33:32 UTC from web
        • gah! what is up with these colors?!

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 22:50:47 UTC from web
        • I got a followback from Rina-chan on twitter. First stage of fanboy glory achieved.

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 22:35:20 UTC from web
        • There's nothing wrong with drinking a bottle of cider I've had open for 22 hours is there?

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 22:48:45 UTC from web
        • @comradeconventrix no, I haven't been through anything like it. But I've been through a few real, difficult struggles of my own and I'm going through another right now, and sometimes, really, a kind word helps as much as an experience.

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 22:43:41 UTC from web
        • I was starting to dig the Apple Bloom Network banner :(

          Saturday, 07-Jul-12 22:14:45 UTC from web
          • welp I have a new µtorrent icon now.

            Saturday, 07-Jul-12 01:14:33 UTC from web
          • here's something I love about RDN: everyone here is certifiably insane. Myself included. Nothing says good times like a bunch of crazies :D

            Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:30:28 UTC from web
          • @woona but if you're alone it's all a waste. :(

            Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:19:40 UTC from web
          • here have some best pony

            Thursday, 05-Jul-12 22:18:03 UTC from web
          • Well, Escape From Ponyville shirt is on its way to me.

            Thursday, 05-Jul-12 07:19:23 UTC from web
            • !atlantabronies hello this group needs to be more active

              Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 04:00:44 UTC from web
            • moar poni. Twilight has successfully capitulated my laptop.

              Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 07:33:07 UTC from web
              • Hey look it's my desktop. And lots of poni. Look at your Start Bar/Dock, now look at mine, now look at your…oh, you get it.

                Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 07:32:04 UTC from web
              • !atlantabronies @nakedpops hey, I was at the MoG today with a brony friend of mine and I told him about the TDKR brony zerg rush and he'd like a seat too.

                Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 03:41:30 UTC from web
                • !atlantabronies idk my mom probably isnt willing to drive that far

                  Monday, 02-Jul-12 16:29:27 UTC from web
                  • I really really hope Sweet Apple Acres Con picks up a VA for the event next summer. I know you shouldn't go to the First Annual anything but I would really like to get something signed by one of the VAs from the show.

                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 04:54:57 UTC from web