DJ Screwball (my freinds call me DJ or Screwball)'s home timeline


  1. worked my first day on the new job. Made three bucks on the spot and worked two and a half hours, don't really know what that comes out to.

    Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 00:52:29 UTC from web
    • bookfort <3

      Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 13:55:10 UTC from web
    • Woo I have a homepage now

      Monday, 16-Jul-12 23:05:14 UTC from web
      • Brave was awesome you should see it.

        Monday, 16-Jul-12 22:03:32 UTC from web
        • ugh I have to think of things to do for another half hour.

          Monday, 16-Jul-12 14:00:26 UTC from web
        • woo hangin out at the mall today

          Monday, 16-Jul-12 12:00:24 UTC from web
          • lol, poor doctor hooves

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 21:02:36 UTC from web
          • holy crap I've just spent half an hour going through a forum topic saving Twilight Sparkle images. What is wrong with meeeeee.

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 20:30:18 UTC from web
          • too big to upload. Warning: massive resolution/fanboy excitement ahead.

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 17:08:00 UTC from web
          • !atlantabronies disregard that, I worked out the schedule today with my new boss and so I can make the event if I get tickets, which I'm looking at right now.

            Sunday, 15-Jul-12 18:30:48 UTC from web
            • !atlantabronies due to my new job and the short notice I may not be able to make the movie event. I'll be at the Mall of Georgia tomorrow to hang out with some friends for lunch etc. and there will be a movie involved (not sure if it will be Brave or something else). Chrome has started to derp on facebook as well as YouTube so I'm doing what I can to get in touch :|

              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 14:20:05 UTC from web
            • Chrome is derping. Stop derping, Chrome. STOP DERPING.

              Sunday, 15-Jul-12 12:03:20 UTC from web
              • eeeeeee *fangasm* @pony @mushi

                Saturday, 14-Jul-12 22:07:08 UTC from web
              • !technoponies New Song *yay*

                Sunday, 15-Jul-12 00:17:56 UTC from web
              • I don't wanna!

                Saturday, 14-Jul-12 22:33:24 UTC from web
              • Now I know for future reference. “Cute Twilight” sparks a stronger response than “AppleDash” on RDN.

                Saturday, 14-Jul-12 22:24:11 UTC from web
              • WOO CAPS LOCK

                Saturday, 14-Jul-12 22:21:50 UTC from web

                  Saturday, 14-Jul-12 22:20:46 UTC from web
                • @axelgunn heyyy I subscribed to you because you got advertised on music from a guy going to Canterlot Gardens, Forest Rain Music? But yeah he had your RDN address on there and I subscribed because I liked your contribution :P

                  Saturday, 14-Jul-12 21:46:31 UTC from web
                • maybe #

                  Saturday, 14-Jul-12 11:14:59 UTC from web
                • my head hurts

                  Saturday, 14-Jul-12 16:40:33 UTC from web
                • !atlantabronies DKR TAKEOVER UPDATE: DKR TAKEOVER UPDATE: The showtime will be at 3:20pm. So buy your tickets now! I do apologize to anyone who is unable to make this showing>.<, but don't worry. I promise there will be more meetups in the future ^_^! Sorry for the late update here, Been soooooo busy >.<We will be meeting up a 2pm to lineup/hang out/etc. Oh, and in case I failed to mention, the location is the Mall of Georgia IMAX.

                  Saturday, 14-Jul-12 05:53:29 UTC from web
                • Episode idea: Spike is actually a Ridley Scott alien and he impregnates Rarity with an alien and Twilight has to do science to save Rarity from being gutted by Spike's alien baby. Reply and rate.

                  Friday, 13-Jul-12 20:34:53 UTC from web
                • RT @mrconventrix @rozeluck I hate MLP because it promotes nudity among small children

                  Friday, 13-Jul-12 19:03:33 UTC from web
                  • Yo dawg, I herd you liked RDN.

                    Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 23:49:11 UTC from web
                  • I have a friend whose jimmies get very rustled over AppleDash. I would like a link dump of AppleDash images, the subtler the better.

                    Friday, 13-Jul-12 07:20:53 UTC from web
                  • @mushi I like the avatar there :D

                    Friday, 13-Jul-12 03:01:26 UTC from web
                  • I got the joooooob

                    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 21:57:03 UTC from web
                  • @princesstrixie Maybe I should just look into CSS myself, when I have some time...

                    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 14:35:34 UTC from web
                  • And the award for making a database engine SOMEHOW take up 1.5GB goes to Microsoft.

                    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 11:49:02 UTC from web