Tom Koontz (drwaffles)
@brony4life Yep, beating the GLaDOS@Home page with the F5 hammer right now.
!vgp grapes's getting serious in the Portal 2 ARG.
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:58:52 UTC from web -
@rainbowdashismycopilot Here be pony servers:
!vgp Drunk StarCraft is best StarCraft.
@camptranshumanist Good idea! I need to get my Brawl fix on.
Gaaaah why can't the dorm cable get the Hub?
Friday, 08-Apr-11 17:52:13 UTC from web -
!redditbronies Get in here, Redditors!
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 23:54:14 UTC from web -
@lunafanswweet !pb Something with that high of an attack stat should not learn Earthquake that early. I feel like I'm cheating.
!vgp No classes today? Time for some TF2.
!vgp Homework, Ponies, or Kingdom Hearts? Such a hard question...