f1utterguy subscribers

These are the people who listen to f1utterguy's notices.

  • howboutirustleyourjimmies jimmyrustler howboutirustleyourjimmies Austin Texas http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003277086244&ref=tn_tnmn

    By now people can see that i piss people off a lot. I guess its one of the sadder traits i have. Can make friends with almost anyone but i tend to be able to piss EVERYONE off. I dont know if im much of a brony anymore but i guess since i love the show and i try to be a good friend when im not being an ass then i guess im a brony..

  • bdfg asfa bdfg afs


  • Jeremy Ross herdsworth Jeremy Ross Austin, TX

    My MBTI is INFP. I love anime, animals, books, movies, music and video games. I've been a denizen of the internet since 1995. I have cats, all of which are fearful of strangers, but that rarely leave my side.