A.D.'s home timeline


  1. !ohiobronies For the Peanut Bucker pin, what pose should she be in?

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 18:14:56 UTC from web
  2. !ohiobronies Who all is excited for the party this weekend? I am!!

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 18:16:43 UTC from web
  3. I shall return later, I am off to go seal some of my custom ponies.

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 18:28:57 UTC from web
    • Sporadic trivia of the day: More people die by falling out of bed than being struck by lightning.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 18:18:17 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony #

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 03:28:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • @darklycute is now a mod! Join !mods for easy announcements.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:59:32 UTC from web
    • @darklycute I got my pins in the mail. Thank you so much :)

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 03:05:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • I am leaning towards @darklycute 's submission, because it best exemplifies the second series.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:55:23 UTC from web
    • Okay, I got a task. Whoever can make me a season 2 logo, gets mod status. If you already have it, double kudos to you. I have a special request if you can do it. Gray Rainbow Dash with a number 2 indicating the second season. #

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:15:01 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony Thats kind of what I was thinking.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:06:22 UTC from web
    • This is strange to me that not everypony knows who Q is from Star Trek.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:04:57 UTC from web
    • @doublerainbowdash i'm totally not watching that, I want it all to be a suprise

      Monday, 12-Sep-11 19:29:05 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies If you are planning on attending the Season Premiere Party, please email me at PinFilly@gmail.com for the address. Also if you are going to be staying the night, please bring pillows and blankets.

      Monday, 12-Sep-11 15:53:26 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies I have made a Peanut Bucker art gallery. You can view it by clicking on the image in the sidebar of the blog! http://ohiobronies.blogspot.com

        Monday, 12-Sep-11 04:11:48 UTC from web
        • !customponies I finished a few customs recently. First up is Lucky Wish - http://darklycutecustoms.blogspot.com/2011/09/lucky-wish.html Next is Moondancer - http://darklycutecustoms.blogspot.com/2011/09/moondancer-g4-version.html

          Monday, 12-Sep-11 03:18:03 UTC from web
        • Ghost, from True Capitalist Radio, is extending a hand with a glove on to the brony subculture. Find me on my main Twitter account at twitter.com/ghostpolitics

          Sunday, 11-Sep-11 15:32:12 UTC from web
        • Just rewatched Show Stoppers and noticed something I never did before: Snips and Snails perform a magic trick routine (like their idol, Trixie) and even use her fanfare music when doing the trick! :D

          Sunday, 11-Sep-11 15:35:42 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies It's 4:30 and I should totally be asleep, but I'm not. What could possibly be more important than sleep? Why, it'd be Peanut Bucker fan arts of course! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/FaithlessRurouni/PeanutBucker.jpg

          Sunday, 11-Sep-11 08:30:07 UTC from web
        • So I know there are about a billion Starshines on the internet. We don't have the music-making one, right? Because I just found a song in my folder with someone named Starshine as the artist.

          Sunday, 11-Sep-11 03:47:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • !calgarybronies and once again i seem to be the only one aware of the existance of my awesome pins here is the link to pin filly again: http://ponyorders.wordpress.com/pony-pin-pre-orders/

          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 05:54:51 UTC from web
        • @rotation No, I was planning to but I imagined the shipping costs would be high unless in bulk

          Friday, 09-Sep-11 21:18:00 UTC from web
          • @greydragon412 Dragonland? Haven't heard of them

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 21:17:34 UTC from web
          • I think the bus driver might be a pirate. He said ARRRbys'! as one of the stop names. Also some dude at the bus stop with me thought I was still in highschool and seemed kinda shocked that I graduated back in 2007. I know I am a tiny female, but still.

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:07:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
          • I hate the buses here. Apparently now you can only take folded carts on the bus, and if you cart is full of stuff you have to take the stuff out and put it on your lap and then fold the cart up. Also now you cant have your cell phone on on the bus. I dont know how we are going to get groceries as it gets colder out, cause I am really do not want to walk to the store and back with snow and ice on the ground this winter. Also they dont have any signs about these new rules posted, you just have to hope your bus driver tells you. I really wished I lived in a big city again, where buses and the rules make sense.

            Thursday, 08-Sep-11 20:36:36 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies Would any of you be interested in an Ohio Bronies Pin? Maybe one featuring our adorable mascot Peanut Bucker?

            Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 05:58:39 UTC from web
          • @darklycute !ohiobronies I'd definitely get one.

            Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 22:35:27 UTC from web
            • Ok, headed off to bed. Well more like read for a bit, then sleep. Anyways night night all!

              Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 05:59:16 UTC from web
              • There are a few CMC, Rainbow Dash, and Trixie pins left for those who are interested! - http://ponyorders.ecrater.com/c/1427351/pony-pins

                Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 22:45:27 UTC from web
              • !customponies I have updated with a few WIP ponies and one of my finished customs. Check out my custom pony blog - http://darklycutecustoms.blogspot.com/

                Monday, 05-Sep-11 20:47:18 UTC from web
                • !ohiobronies Cincinnati meetup? Cincinnati meetup! Also, Ren Fest! Huzzah! http://oat.nu/gny8c

                  Monday, 05-Sep-11 20:40:02 UTC from web