A.D.'s home timeline


  1. So how is everypony today? I am good..winding down from an amazing weekend.

    Monday, 19-Sep-11 23:19:19 UTC from web
  2. YAY!!! I can go pick up the New Harvest Moon game tomorrow and also get my super cute alpaca plush.

    Monday, 19-Sep-11 21:41:23 UTC from web
    • I wish the party this weekend would have lasted longer. I had so much fun.

      Monday, 19-Sep-11 16:08:41 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies I am still sad that the weekend had to end. I have ended up meeting a lot of really awesome people through the meets I help plan. Also I love this freaking community.

      Monday, 19-Sep-11 06:20:05 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies Sounds like you guys had a great time yesterday and today at the premiere party! Sad that I had to miss a big chunk of it, but I look forward to the next time I can see you all again!

        Monday, 19-Sep-11 03:16:04 UTC from web
        • So sometime over the weekend while I was hanging out with @starshine, I decided I was going to make god mode Starshine Pony. Here is the end result - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26022887/Custom%20Ponies/StarshineGodMode.png

          Monday, 19-Sep-11 02:43:02 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies The whole weekend was amazing! I am sad that it had to end. But I get to look forward to another meet up next weekend.

          Sunday, 18-Sep-11 23:27:45 UTC from web
          • entire weekend was filled with wat. !ohiobronies

            Sunday, 18-Sep-11 23:25:24 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies I am going to firestone park this wednesday.

              Sunday, 18-Sep-11 18:46:13 UTC from web
              • Having a freaking awesome time at the !ohiobronies Season Premiere Party. It feels like way later then 10:45pm...I thin my brain went into convention time.

                Sunday, 18-Sep-11 02:48:26 UTC from web
              • @hoit21 Yep :) I couldn't draw at first either, all it takes is lots of practice. I know how horribly cliche that sounds, but really all I did was draw every single day and still do. Your skills will hone and develop over time

                Saturday, 17-Sep-11 20:53:37 UTC from web
              • new Batleship?

                Saturday, 17-Sep-11 13:44:13 UTC from web
              • New episode: First 5mins far too rushed, everything after arriving at Canterlot = EPIC

                Saturday, 17-Sep-11 13:41:00 UTC from web
              • !ohiobronies There are 10 people here so far for the weekend long season premire party!

                Friday, 16-Sep-11 23:44:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
                • !ohiobronies So who all is showing up here today?

                  Friday, 16-Sep-11 12:31:00 UTC from web
                • @rotation Hey man, it was a Tesco Extra. Good luck on the hunt, at least we know 100% that you can get the 4 pack in the UK now!

                  Friday, 16-Sep-11 12:35:26 UTC from web
                • I think I am gonna re-hair one of my Fluttershy's to a lighter pink hair.

                  Thursday, 15-Sep-11 22:44:18 UTC from web
                  • !ohiobronies can I come via la phone? lol

                    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 20:20:52 UTC from web
                  • Why is my soda try to kill me by going down the wrong pipe? I am alright now, but I was coughing for like a minute.

                    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 20:37:25 UTC from web
                  • Also everypony look what I bought last night! I got a domain name for my custom pony blog - http://www.darklycutecustoms.com

                    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 20:28:00 UTC from web
                  • !ohiobronies oops...Well, my dad won't let me go for the sole purpose that my female best friend is going and he 'Doesn't want grand children' He's such a ignorant person.

                    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 16:49:52 UTC from web
                  • Well then, I do suppose I'll set one of these up. Claim my name and all that. Sup all?

                    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 05:15:46 UTC from web
                  • I cant believe I am going to miss the !Ohiobronies party for season 2... foreveralone.jpg

                    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 13:54:57 UTC from web
                    • !customponies Another custom I finished painting today. Her name is Flutterfluff and she is for an art trade I am doing. - http://darklycutecustoms.blogspot.com/2011/09/wip-photos-flutterfluff.html

                      Thursday, 15-Sep-11 07:08:49 UTC from web
                      • !ohiobronies !customponies Took some WIP photos of Peanut Bucker earlier. - http://darklycutecustoms.blogspot.com/2011/09/wip-photos-peanut-bucker.html

                        Thursday, 15-Sep-11 04:38:54 UTC from web
                      • How is everypony doing tonight?

                        Thursday, 15-Sep-11 03:04:10 UTC from web
                      • !customponies Apparently I do go with the customizing of ponies. Twice in the past day I gotten commissions for OC ponies.

                        Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 15:57:08 UTC from web
                        • Sore throat and runny nose out of nowhere. I have also been sneezing a lot today. I hope I am better by this weekend.

                          Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 01:39:02 UTC from web
                        • My pony shelf is getting very full.

                          Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 00:16:35 UTC from web
                        • !ohiobronies I will be making Chicken on Friday if no one has any objection. The meal will be Grilled Chicken, corn, and a nice potato+onions+peppers dish. Everyone able to live with that?

                          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 19:46:01 UTC from web