Tyler James's home timeline


  1. i very quickly need a good humanized vinyl scratcg! help!

    Friday, 04-Apr-14 13:48:38 UTC from web
    • anything fun happen in my absence?

      Thursday, 03-Apr-14 13:36:42 UTC from web
      • morning every one

        Thursday, 03-Apr-14 13:32:44 UTC from web
        • So! In my many months of absence....whats beenin goin on? Any thing importaint?

          Monday, 31-Mar-14 13:53:26 UTC from web
          • Cant hit the stupid reply button on my tablit! Darn!i

            Monday, 31-Mar-14 13:45:17 UTC from web
            • @welcomepony welcome me me robotic friend

              Monday, 31-Mar-14 13:36:53 UTC from web
            • month*

              Monday, 31-Mar-14 13:35:11 UTC from web
              • You guys miss me yet? Its time for my every 3 moth check up on the site!

                Monday, 31-Mar-14 13:34:40 UTC from web
              • @snowcone an Excellent Avatar

                Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 03:11:44 UTC from web
                • @noirbatch Really a garth brooks reference #

                  Sunday, 02-Mar-14 09:15:09 UTC from web
                  • I feel like a veggie

                    Friday, 28-Feb-14 06:39:35 UTC from web
                  • @vee Still found it rather amusing lol

                    Friday, 28-Feb-14 06:49:38 UTC from web
                  • hows the site been in my absence?

                    Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 15:26:07 UTC from web
                    • Sup guys

                      Wednesday, 26-Feb-14 15:23:15 UTC from web
                      • i swear bf4 is the most broke glitched server broke connection lost game i ever played -.- and this game has been out for months and EA and dice still havent fixed this crap -.-

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 16:54:35 UTC from web
                      • @randomwonderbolt Yeah, I feel ya. I honestly don't mind if someone wants to talk about thier problems, as long as they don't go, "I hate life, my life is worse than anyone elses life!" That is just a cry for attention (in most cases). It's like what my dad told me, "Everyone has a poor pitiful me story. Are you going to let it break you, or push you to overcome."

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 16:54:59 UTC from Mayonnaise
                      • @oracle While I appreciate you sticking up for me (for some reason... *eyes suspiciously*) I think I genuinely am in the wrong here.

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 03:18:23 UTC from web
                      • @snowcone Why does that matter. @mrmattimation You know, having a group to post horrible things doesn't give you the right to insult people.

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 02:53:11 UTC from web
                        • Show all 12 replies
                        • @neuraria To be perfectly clear, I'm not intentionally trying to be condescending or mean or hurtful or whatever. I genuinely do not see the problem here. Snowcone and I regularly make mean-spirited jokes to each other because we both understand that neither of us intend any harm to the other. Similarly, I do not see the problem with snowcone humorously responding that Tiarawhy is the reason why he made a tasteless joke which, in all honesty, really wasn't tasteless at all. So, those are my two cents. Do with them what you will. I understand you're a sensible person, and if I really did do something wrong, I am willing to take the rap for that.

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 03:06:51 UTC in context
                          Seth Edwards likes this.
                        • @mrmattimation 2 cents taken, 1 dollar earned. *claps*

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 03:08:08 UTC in context
                        • @mrmattimation It sets a bad example for any new users arriving while you're having your "harmless" banter. Just because /you/ know it's fine doesn't mean every user on the site does. If you must act in such a way do so outside of the public timeline.

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 03:10:49 UTC in context
                      • @randomwonderbolt From my experience, anything Apple just kind of works, except for my STUPID IPHONE'S WI-FI ANTENNA.

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 02:45:45 UTC from web
                        • Show all 10 replies
                        • @noirbatch That's 'cause the hardware and software are put together by the same people, whereas Microsoft hands out the OS to manufacturers and says "here, do whatever." That's not to say Windows computers are bad, I'm on one right now. Macs and Windows computers are different kinds of computers geared for different kinds of people.

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 02:53:24 UTC in context
                        • @vt3c I think you've made the "Apple was better before Intel" statement before.

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 02:56:35 UTC in context
                        • @mrmattimation Yeah, I believe it's more about preference. Neither is in the wrong. I do notice people that are Apple bias folks (I'm talking art school grads here) think Macs are a gift from the gods themselves, and PC's are more related to a burnt out pento. Which is a little annoying. I feel like PC zealots are more biased to individual companys, which can be just as bad, just they aren't so hoity toity about it. I am on Sony's bandwagon because they have been so good to me on a person level, Asus, and Nvidia as well. I work with macs a lot, and know (for the most part), will work but I enjoy my PC at home more. I do feel your pain on the Wifi with iPhone lol.

                          Saturday, 22-Feb-14 03:01:12 UTC in context
                      • What time is it? Miami Vice boxset marathon!

                        Saturday, 22-Feb-14 02:47:53 UTC from Mayonnaise
                        • whoa dole, I phase out for a few minutes and RDN gets deep #

                          Thursday, 20-Feb-14 05:53:13 UTC from web
                          • @vt3c *hugs back* ^-^

                            Thursday, 20-Feb-14 05:46:12 UTC from web
                          • @vt3c I would have to agree 100% friend

                            Thursday, 20-Feb-14 05:41:06 UTC from web
                          • Just gunna leave this here http://ur1.ca/gnsj9 #

                            Thursday, 20-Feb-14 05:36:17 UTC from web
                            • Going through pictures I took for characters in improv, man I have too many pictures.

                              Thursday, 20-Feb-14 04:09:20 UTC from web
                              • I got so bored, I started making vines..... What is my life

                                Saturday, 15-Feb-14 02:06:32 UTC from Mayonnaise
                              • have a walpaper on me http://ur1.ca/gmp8f

                                Saturday, 15-Feb-14 07:35:02 UTC from Mayonnaise
                              • What!?! Mayonnaise?

                                Saturday, 15-Feb-14 02:08:47 UTC from web
                              • last frame always kills me http://ur1.ca/gmlh1

                                Friday, 14-Feb-14 16:05:54 UTC from Mayonnaise