Bingle Thunk's home timeline


  1. Now announcing the Summer Banner contest! Like Summer? Like ponies? Like having an e-peen the size of Mt. Everest? Then this contest is one you should participate in! We need a Banner to reflect changing of the seasons! Rules: 1. Banner must have a summer theme. 2. Back ground can have object, but overall must be transparant. 3. Must be in PNG format. 4. Submissions MUST be made to 4. Entries must be made before June 21. So get crackin'!

    Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:55:51 UTC from web
    • updated

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:54:17 UTC from web
      • @tinwhistle Pfft, I don't need your help, kind sir. I act gay enough on my own~

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:38:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • @tinwhistle Well, being that I edit Wikipedia and wikinews, I use four of them to sign my posts everyday.

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:36:45 UTC from web
      • Email system has been fixed.

        Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:35:44 UTC from web
        • @eqndawnluna But of course! Whether you're a student of magic with an understanding that the universe we observe is not only not the entirety of this universe, or even of all universes in an particular instant, or a student of the sciences, where many-worlds interpretation of the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics show infinite diversity of a given moment in spacetime is theoretically possible, it is, of course, easy to understand where there can be an infinite number of permutations of a given person, and just as many of where a given person cannot exist. I mean, the dimensional folds through which moongates travel through-- *blinks, blushes, then pulls hood down, and quiets* 'Kay, I'll hush now.

          Monday, 06-Jun-11 03:22:52 UTC from web Repeated by cabal
        • At work fffffffffff

          Monday, 06-Jun-11 00:41:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • Hello, Rainbow Dash Network! I am so gay for YOU!

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 15:25:03 UTC from web
        • Hey, by the way. Anyone here want to do some beta reading? :P I'm writing a fanfic and I need some advice. :D

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 15:17:54 UTC from web

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:25:43 UTC from web
        • Now announcing the Summer Banner contest! Like Summer? Like ponies? Like having an e-peen the size of Mt. Everest? Then this contest is one you should participate in! We need a Banner to reflect changing of the seasons! Rules: 1. Banner must have a summer theme. 2. Back ground can have object, but overall must be transparant. 3. Must be in PNG format. 4. Submissions MUST be made to 4. Entries must be made before June 21. So get crackin'!

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:21:11 UTC from web
        • Awesometastic. @bigponymac's Art of the Dress cover is up on !eqdaily now.

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 02:15:35 UTC from web

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 01:49:03 UTC from web
        • I can't find my Red October book...

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 01:35:10 UTC from web
        • Now announcing the Summer Banner contest! Like Summer? Like ponies? Like having an e-peen the size of Mt. Everest? Then this contest is one you should participate in! We need a Banner to reflect changing of the seasons! Rules: 1. Banner must have a summer theme. 2. Back ground can have object, but overall must be transparant. 3. Must be in PNG format. 4. Submissions MUST be made to 4. Entries must be made before June 21. So get crackin'! #

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 01:04:55 UTC from web
        • ATTENTION! Google Docs is removing Fanfics from the system. It is unclear whether or not its content related or its a disruption campaign by anonymous. If you have fics that have been removed. Please reupload them to another site like DA or thank you. Fav and repeat requested.

          Sunday, 05-Jun-11 00:10:12 UTC from web
        • Now announcing the Summer Banner contest! Like Summer? Like ponies? Like having an e-peen the size of Mt. Everest? Then this contest is one you should participate in! We need a Banner to reflect changing of the seasons! Rules: 1. Banner must have a summer theme. 2. Back ground can have object, but overall must be transparant. 3. Must be in PNG format. 4. Submissions MUST be made to 4. Entries must be made before June 21. So get crackin'!

          Saturday, 04-Jun-11 23:45:57 UTC from web

            Saturday, 04-Jun-11 23:38:20 UTC from web
            • Terminated.

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 23:17:24 UTC from web

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 20:12:26 UTC from web
            • @wikinews latest news on colombia?

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 19:27:25 UTC from web
            • OH CRAP! The email webpage is down! DAMN YOU DREAMHOST!

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 04:20:24 UTC from web
            • I've been nudged for news... so here it is: I am considering enlisting in the airforce. My brother took the position I wanted to transfer to at work. Tomorrow is our first server bill. And @purpletinker has invited me to a meetup with about 34 bronies in NYC on the 25th on June.

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 03:57:52 UTC from web
            • I'm playing D&D at night, when things quiet down on my shift. Is fun. Clerics are the best!

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 03:38:21 UTC from web
            • Stealth-hello, @administrator.

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 03:36:58 UTC from web
            • Brit's hack Al-Qaeda's bomb plans and replace it with cupcake recipies. Words cannot discribe the epicness.

              Saturday, 04-Jun-11 03:31:12 UTC from web
            • Check out the early special mode on rp! Is that facial hair?

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 17:35:48 UTC from web
            • 6 New Mods deployed both here and RP. BEHAVE!

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 17:18:26 UTC from web
            • I should really go and look through the 4300 pic folder of MLP I downloaded....I've only looked in the Applebloom folder

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 05:51:01 UTC from web
            • !mods @drewdle MOD granted.

              Friday, 03-Jun-11 16:49:53 UTC from web