Group actions

I created this group for those needing help. I ask you to use this when you are feeling sad, angry, or anything that is bothering you. I am here to help. If you tag your dash with this tag, I will know. Others will see to try and help as well, in case I am not available. Remember, I care about you guys more than you can imagine.
Help A Pony (helpme) group
hello everyone
Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 19:48:58 UTC from web -
!helpme Hello guys
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:58:52 UTC from web-
@lilyxhardcore hi
!helpme Sorry still trying to get the hang of this phone ... I having some trouble conversating with the users on this network I'm not the most social person in this world and I do enjoy everything about this network the art and everyone what I'm saying I fell kind of left out of all of it and really want that to change , do yea.. Uhh help me?
Friday, 05-Oct-12 02:27:23 UTC from web-
@smokewisp Just start talking to people, dude. Speaking up and saying something about what you see on here is the best way to make friends!
@smokewisp Sure thing! Just message me and I'll be your bestest friend ever
@smokewisp !helpme Hey, welcome back to RDN! I was wanting to let you know that I think it's great that your trying to make a return to the site. I understand that it can be difficult to stick with something new even when you want to be involved with it. If you could message me or on the helpme group, I, or anyone else here, would be more than happy to help you if you need it. Don't worry too much about not being on here for a while, you can still be a part of anything that you enjoyed while you were here. :)
Friday, 05-Oct-12 02:19:46 UTC from web
@smokewisp with waht ?
@smokewis ?
!helpme Anypony need a hug? I'll hug all you.
Friday, 28-Sep-12 00:09:18 UTC from web-
@lesenorbubbles Please.
@desiros Well then jump over the internet and get over here!
@lesenorbubbles epic jump
!helpme I can help you with your troubles as well and I can help you any way I can becis
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 21:19:46 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 20:13:51 UTC from web-
@pony I especially thought about you. Who was your favourite pony again?
@derpyshy Because I have connections :) To put simple: a guy I know from my political work replied to one of her posts about onies so I saw that and jumped in the conversation. It ended up with that guy becoming a brony.
@hakupony hehe
!helpme I can't open my jar of pickles!
Friday, 22-Jun-12 06:07:58 UTC from web- Bit Shift likes this.
@flaredancer me too ^_^
@renovatedkitchen *snuggles* G'night!
@flaredancer oh. Fine. ^_^ goodnight!
I created this group for those needing help. I ask you to use this tag !helpme when you are feeling sad, angry, or anything that is bothering you. I am here to help. If you tag your dash with this tag, I will know. Others will see to try and help as well, in case I am not available. Remember, I care about you guys more than you can imagine.
Friday, 22-Jun-12 06:05:33 UTC from web-
@nlghtmaremoon I suck at calculus, buuuut... Yeah I suck at it XD I mean it for anything pertaining to like personal stuff that bothers you or upsets you. I mean I can try and help you. lol
@noirbatch Homework is usually very bothersome, and makes many sad.... OHHHHHHHH now i get it...
@nlghtmaremoon yeah but if I am sure google can work wonders on helping you with that. Even search example problems, or like worksheets. You can become quite knowledgeable from google lol