Group actions

!skypegroup rdnskypegroup skypecall voicechat
We will be having voice chats over skype. Don't be disrespectful or I will joyfully ban you.
Now that we got that out of the way, add me on Skype to join us. I will keep you updated as to when the calls will be happening.
Skype name: renovatedkitchen
The RDN Skype group (skypegroup) group
is this still going on
Thursday, 20-Oct-16 04:33:18 UTC from web -
hey i have a question for you all, is the rdn skype group still up?
Saturday, 16-Mar-13 22:21:56 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen thanks
@renovatedkitchen also i added you on skype by the way.
!skypegroup Skype call going to happen on Thursday 14th at 22:30 EST
Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 18:13:12 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Woohoo
!skypecall yeah, yeah. I'm tired and lazy. And I need a shower first, if I'm still gonna do this
Sunday, 17-Feb-13 03:06:59 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@foxgopher Wee! Alex
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 20:05:10 UTC from web-
@foxgopher yes and no. I drove it, it runs, but it's being checked up on now, so it'd down for about 2-3 more days. Did you see my YouTube video of its idle?
@renovatedkitchen Nope
@foxgopher don't worry about the white stuff. That's snow. Lol.
!skypecall happening this saturday. At 2200 EST
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 05:24:41 UTC from web-
!rdnskypegroup @renovatedkitchen I will be there hopefully.
@yodelerty Not sure why I tagged the group there. It was very unnecessary.
@yodelerty Now that they know you are going, nearly everyone will feel a need to show up
!rdnskypegroup do I have to ask everyone individually, AGAIN? Why is organizing things here always a pain
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 05:29:10 UTC from web -
!RDNskypegroup !skype Let me know who can/ cant make it so I will know if I should change the time
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 05:26:10 UTC from web -
Saturday, 02-Feb-13 03:01:23 UTC from web-
@redenchilada I can do it tonight. At like, 3am EST. or tomorrow.
@redenchilada plus, I think @madflavours is like dead or something. Haven't heard from him in a long time
!rdnskypegroup so it's official that every call will now include a song to sing because I said so. And then @redenchilada will record us and turn us all into T-pain. Place your vote on what repertoire we will sing. Blues Brothers gets my vote so far. If you don't know blues brothers, go cry in a corner, watch it and then become popular overnight
Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 12:14:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone- RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) likes this.
@renovatedkitchen Smoke weed erryday
@renovatedkitchen Sounds like a plan to me.
@yodelerty like it ain't a joke
Spike sent porn to Princess Celestia. !skypegroup
Monday, 21-Jan-13 04:41:45 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
- RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) repeated this.
@redenchilada is reading us "The Ship-off" fanfic join !skypegroup quick!
Monday, 21-Jan-13 03:31:55 UTC from web-
@thatonestocking We keep adding you and you keep not answering, what the heck.
Well, murdock. I dun goofed and now my domain name doesn't belong to me. Gotta go get it back...
Monday, 21-Jan-13 03:19:12 UTC from web-
@zeldatra You dun goofed, being outside of the !skypegroup
!rdnskypegroup The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing
Monday, 21-Jan-13 03:13:22 UTC from web -
!rdnskypegroup It is happenings
Monday, 21-Jan-13 03:01:19 UTC from web -
Monday, 21-Jan-13 02:02:31 UTC from web -
!skypegroup Some people call it the bare wasteland of a post apocalyptic world. Some people call it my skype group.
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 20:01:13 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen just for that I renamed the call group too. Capital Wasteland
@madflavors you cant change the name or the picture
!skypegroup I found out how to ban people.
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 19:57:36 UTC from web -
!skypegroup so apparently, you can also press this link and it will get you into the chat group skype:?chat&blob=1_UMN1opxRRyoboJbTQOqlrmjKz-tb5VtuWBxIaIaHcKYfvyruppaPIqmKxsXZ67eLG8QusIemx_d8rEg3grKGuMlK8mrWuViqm-GPFjis-DFkxzuhaF61-n8CTHqv3duV7LFPNcgx_0K7IJLg7w9SgERf_4FGgoky_Q1Qhj2kUCApJeVt2tvFCNqyR_i2RJFtluHjQ-hn4YmbMPkW49q6xMSmxv6o4YMR1aBWDYm5XEH1TNgddECmHTQJA
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 19:52:28 UTC from web-
!skypegroup so that doesnt work.
@renovatedkitchen It would be kinda unwieldy even if it did.
!rdnskypegroup Remember the call happening at 0200 UTC on Sunday the 20th
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 08:24:08 UTC from web -
!rdnskypegroup if you miss the call this Sunday at 0200 UTC, you suck eggs
Saturday, 19-Jan-13 02:52:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
!rdnskypegroup last posted time is incorrect. I mixed up my time zone addition. Cal happening on Sunday 0200 UTC. Its right this time
Friday, 18-Jan-13 23:29:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Friday, 18-Jan-13 23:26:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
!skype call is going to happen this coming Sunday at 1600 UTC
Wednesday, 16-Jan-13 01:56:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen you certainly will :3
@renovatedkitchen oh! But I wanted to ask you, I found two renovatedkitchens..and I added one, but I don't know if I should add the other one ;0 basically, I don't know which one you use xD
@aliciaisabrony you guessed the right one. I'm pretty sure the other one is my friend. We all use the same account name with different variations
!rdncaroling has been officially remade to !skypegroup (AKA The RDN Skype group) If that isnt self explanatory, I hope you are still in school
Saturday, 05-Jan-13 05:14:03 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen what songs are caroled in these groups of skype that you speak of
@chemicalbrony It is no longer caroling. Just voice chat when it happens
!rdncaroling #mysteries WHO WAS PLAYING THE UKULELE?
Monday, 24-Dec-12 17:13:56 UTC from web- madington flavors and RDN's Lucifer like this.
- That wierd guy next door repeated this.
@celestiaforequestria we will never know~
@madflavors and I just finished reading a comedic, semi-erotic fanfic about Nightmare Moon's butt to the !rdncaroling Skype call. It was fun.
Monday, 24-Dec-12 07:09:03 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen I almost lost a dog today
@fluttershy48 Oh, no! How?
@renovatedkitchen they got in a fight and they wouldn't stop and my dogs names are chaos and bailey and chaose was tearing beiley apart
!rdncaroling No more singing; only fanfics.
Monday, 24-Dec-12 05:51:41 UTC from web -
!rdncaroling has now began a stream of reading: Nightmare Mooning
Monday, 24-Dec-12 05:49:28 UTC from web -
On the skypr call, I'm Cyza.
Monday, 24-Dec-12 05:30:34 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen :P