Antonio's home timeline



    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 05:52:21 UTC from web
  2. @taskmaster The result of this mess:

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 05:18:59 UTC from web
  3. @taskmaster Professor X! Wolverine and Cyclops found your stash again!

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 05:09:02 UTC from web
  4. Just found this place. Thought I would check it out. :)

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 04:18:51 UTC from web
  5. There we go! One of natures beauties! Chemical Warfare!

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 03:44:58 UTC from web
  6. good effort but...

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 03:40:31 UTC from web

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 03:32:38 UTC from web
      • @thebrilliantspy @fluttershy321 @metal @stumperman007 and anypony else that was on the chat, I finally has a webcam

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 03:12:15 UTC from web
      • No there 'aint no rest for the doesnt grow on trees....Im sorry what?

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 02:53:28 UTC from web
        • Aw god why do i never do stuff with this!

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 01:42:33 UTC from web
        • @greydragon412 Their just ignoring it completely?

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 00:54:34 UTC from web
        • @greydragon412 5 minutes on youtube should help

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 00:34:09 UTC from web
          • cauf

            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 00:19:13 UTC from web
            • Well damn im finally here!

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 23:41:56 UTC from web
            • !raleighbronies December NC Brony Meetup and Cookie/Cupcake/Muffin/Non-perishable food item Exchange. Saturday, December 3rd at NC State's campus, Talley Student Center, The Brown Room on the third floor.

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:16:19 UTC from web
            • well im back again. woot

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 03:40:57 UTC from web
              • @tenmihara By the way, did you manage to log into the server I opened?

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:09:08 UTC from web
              • Just got done with my latest YouTube video!

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:37:12 UTC from web
              • my progress report is a mess, I have, in this order, 76, 90, 78, 97, 75, 97, 76, 95

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:30:45 UTC from web
              • wow i disappear for 5 min and all dis happens

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:19:23 UTC from web
              • @fluttershy321 the thing was all about dating advice... Boys and girls were separate and we sent letters per say with questions on them... An answer had giggling and blushing in it... You poped into my head

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:17:04 UTC from web
              • Welp, je suis knackered, so I'm off to bed. Take care, all

                Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:50:58 UTC from web
              • Well im bored and feel like being one of 'those guys' so look at my weird self

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:56:03 UTC from web
                • I remember in 8th grade, wow long time ago, I was in Health class and we were talking about relationships there. The teacher said "Ok who can tell me the last stage of a relationship?" Knowing me I rose my hand up sky high and took a deep breath and she called on me, I said, "Is it.... THE INTENSE PART?" The room got silent, THE WHOLE CLASSROOM was laughing so hard, the teacher was laughing, and my science teacher who was on his computer, because the class was in his room, he was just looking down hand on his head, trying not to laugh from my comment, and all the teacher said was "Yeah you can say it like that."

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:24:41 UTC from web

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:22:44 UTC from web
                • How come my friends in real life suck but my friends i don't even know are awesome?

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:18:33 UTC from web
                • Man they dont know Obama...

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:06:56 UTC from web
                  • Hmmm...i guess i should just...sit.

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:51:01 UTC from web
                  • I haven't played Halo in years, I almost miss it. I really miss this guy in particular

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:39:28 UTC from web
                  • @fluttershy321 *several obscure clicks later* But of course

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:53:41 UTC from web