johnnydash's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • i was making sure my new avatar updated correctly

      Sunday, 12-May-13 23:50:15 UTC from web
      • hi

        Sunday, 12-May-13 23:48:57 UTC from web
      • sorry i get emotional, ttyl everyone i gotta go

        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 16:55:26 UTC from web
      • @nikthebrony *Hugs*

        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 16:54:20 UTC from web
      • @nikthebrony But dogs are not nearly as cool as cats.

        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 16:43:24 UTC from web
      • My favorite pony is Rainbow dash of course, thats why I have her last name as my own, we are family

        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 16:35:47 UTC from web
      • @johnnydash ha, i see what you did there. jolly good pun sir, welcome to RDN where the secret is in the sauce.

        Friday, 01-Mar-13 01:43:28 UTC from web
        • hey everypony, I started this club a while back, can u tell me what u think of it? suggestions are welcome :)

          Friday, 22-Feb-13 22:19:20 UTC from web
          • O my mistake, this is still awesome tho :)

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:56:45 UTC from web
          • Wait a sec zeldatra, I thought everyone on here was from tulsa? the links that got me here said that

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:55:25 UTC from web
          • So does this club ever have like get togethers for bronies here in tulsa?

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:50:38 UTC from web
          • Well I like doing hand drawings and such & now I have started using GIMP to add ponies to some of my favorite real world scenes.

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:46:39 UTC from web
          • so what all do u guys do?

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:42:25 UTC from web
          • wow, u guys reply very quickly :)

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:40:22 UTC from web
          • Hey everypony I am new to all of this and I do mean ALL of this, I just recently joined the herd because a few friends talked me into watching it and my love for it caught fire.

            Friday, 22-Feb-13 02:36:23 UTC from web