Lightning Flicker's home timeline


  1. National Tractor Trailer School

    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:49:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  2. @widget It's pretty subtle actually.

    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:51:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  3. I need a 3DS. maybe it is time forme to get a rich girlfriend

    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:49:01 UTC from web
    • Jack LaLanne gherkin pounder

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:29:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Just for the record, I am really enjoying watching this timeline

        Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:28:25 UTC from web
        • Kakuna used to have arms, guys.

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:23:15 UTC from web
        • i want to see the evolutions of that frog pokemon. i want to see what they can do to make it likeable

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:21:43 UTC from web
        • Apparently Chespin is the first non-reptile Grass starter Pokémon. But that begs the question WHAT THE HELL IS CHIKORITA

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:15:40 UTC from web
        • @ceruleanspark if you are still on, could I put a computer in a room that is 5 degrees Celsius with a 60% humidity?

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:17:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • Howdy y'all!

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:17:41 UTC from web
        • This is a thing that I have finished

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:10:03 UTC from web
          • I deed it

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 18:46:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Corner G and The Rub

            Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 23:00:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • hey everypony

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 22:31:58 UTC from web
            • i beat it

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 22:46:13 UTC from web
              • yes, this boss is hard

                Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 22:31:52 UTC from web
                • so, are the mods still the same or are there new ones? i know i could just check but....that doesnt start conversation

                  Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 20:34:37 UTC from web
                • well, i've reached a hard boss

                  Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 22:22:55 UTC from web
                  • @yolodelerty

                    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:38:13 UTC from web
                  • "lets search for the butt cheria, it is the only way"

                    Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:34:54 UTC from web
                    • @thelastgherkin GHERKIN HELP/

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:20:08 UTC from web
                    • so, pkm XY is coming out in october... good, this way i have plenty of time

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:20:53 UTC from web
                    • back

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:17:27 UTC from web
                    • Everypony should have a # around, just to make them feel better.

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:14:28 UTC from web
                    • @yolodelerty @mastertdi goodness you two get a room.

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:08:35 UTC from web
                    • remember Adrain Brody? yeah...his movie was actually really really good.

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:05:06 UTC from web
                    • Do ponies take a new name, when their cutie marks appear?

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 20:55:45 UTC from web
                    • I'll be back for you later, Christopher Robin.

                      Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 20:48:18 UTC from web