marty.p's home timeline


  1. How the hell do people capture 3DS gameplay. Damn witches.

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 10:23:36 UTC from web
  2. Can anyone here lend me a hand with colors? I just need someone to find a hex color most accurate to a color off a picture. (Color blindness sucks, yo)

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:42:02 UTC from web
  3. the absolute dumbest change to shinies is how you're pretty much 100% guaranteed to get one with just a half hour of fishing

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:41:04 UTC from web
  4. Hey someone finish hatching this Chespin egg for me so I can breed with it faster please

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:26:52 UTC from web
  5. Listening to my DS through my computer is cool.

    Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:40:12 UTC from web
    • Snowwhatitstits city > 2 minutes.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:37:03 UTC from web
    • Disk space remaining for recording: 9 hours and 43 minutes worth. Aww yus.

      Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:33:12 UTC from web
      • Trainer battle theme. Now with no cries cause I can sit at the "XXX would like to battle!!!one!1one" screen for forever.

        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:27:15 UTC from web
      • I wish there was a way to Photoshop sounds out of audio.

        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:20:02 UTC from web
      • Amie's facial recognition hates my face

        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:12:13 UTC from web
      • I should battle someone so I can record the battle music.

        Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:13:01 UTC from web
        • Thank you based reditchy.

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 09:08:12 UTC from web
        • Better recording. This is the best I can get it with my current setup. Sounds perfect locally but Vocaroo is evil.

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:58:43 UTC from web
        • I don't like the audio codex Vocaroo uses.

          Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:56:04 UTC from web

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:48:53 UTC from web
          • wtb o-powers to level up faster

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:45:19 UTC from web
          • I'm gonna catch an Espurr and name it Carcino guys where do I catch Espurrs

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:30:32 UTC from web
          • Found it.

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:30:40 UTC from web
          • please no one make Delphox noises. I can't stand to hear BR BR BURRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU one more time

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:17:22 UTC from web
          • Brb, I'm hungry. I'm either going to go burn some bread or deep fry some noodles.

            Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:18:25 UTC from web
            • Okay now I found one I like

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:13:56 UTC from web
            • (Espurr noises)

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:13:47 UTC from web
            • Espurr is the cutest and if you don't like him why are you even on this website

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:04:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            • No one saw that.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:08:41 UTC from web
            • "Happy birthday TO THE GROUND" This is still the best thing ever.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:08:34 UTC from web
            • No wait I like this one better

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:04:17 UTC from web
            • What I'm saying here is I really like Dragons Dogma.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 08:02:08 UTC from web
            • I'm gonna go join in on the pokeman avatar fad, one sec

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 07:58:14 UTC from web
            • >Same birthday >Both dislike Dr. Pepper >Both tinker with web stuff for fun >Both play Pokemon >Minti and I confirmed same person

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 07:50:58 UTC from web
            • I like how we mention them and they both show up.

              Tuesday, 22-Oct-13 07:55:41 UTC from web