Timeline for introvert list by m14brony, page 3

m14brony m14brony introvert Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 0
  1. Trump: "Goddammit! How come every time us Americans put up a wall stupid Mexicans have to come and knock it down?"

    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:27:55 UTC from web in context
  2. @mushi I wouldn't mind learning Spanish as well. Unfortunately, virtually nothing is done over here in the United States to get people to learn languages other than English. Hell, being branded as a "race traitor" by the lunatic portion of Trump supporters in itself would warrant learning Spanish. :D

    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:18:30 UTC from web in context
  3. @mushi It would be more practical for me to learn Spanish as a second language, but for some reason, I have found German to be much more interesting.

    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:12:43 UTC from web in context
  4. 1000 degree knife vs. Justin Bieber.

    Saturday, 07-Jan-17 06:17:35 UTC from web
  5. Book horses.

    Thursday, 05-Jan-17 05:32:47 UTC from web
  6. @tiffany Microphones are phallic.

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 14:39:16 UTC from web in context
  7. @tiffany I turn the friggin' frogs gay.

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 14:31:38 UTC from web in context
  8. Tap water is a gay bomb.

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 14:21:15 UTC from web in context
  9. T-shirt and underwear.

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 14:11:40 UTC from web
  10. @metaltao What was caught in it?

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 13:39:33 UTC from web in context
  11. 1000 degree knife? Meh. The oxyacetylene torch I used during my HVAC days far outperformed that!

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 11:36:59 UTC from web
  12. @mrmattimation because Trump knows that if he says it, to his supporters it is true.

    Monday, 02-Jan-17 23:25:06 UTC from web in context Repeated by m14brony
  13. @mrmattimation He will disappoint you by making anime real instead. :P

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 19:20:25 UTC from web in context
  14. Alex Jones wouldn't have to worry about gay water chemicals if he switched to Brawndo.

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 05:38:55 UTC from web
  15. I must have had that red dot zeroed at a longer distance and forgotten about it, as I was consistently hitting high today at around 50 yards.

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 05:23:38 UTC from web
  16. @metaltao Eeyup.

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 04:27:46 UTC from web in context
  17. Toward the end of 2016, a Bulgarian Kalashnikov ripped open my glove. :P

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 03:24:18 UTC from web in context
  18. (((Gay Bombs)))

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 02:52:56 UTC from web
  19. @rarity The Jews are using chemicals to make Pepe gay!

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 02:43:52 UTC from web in context
  20. This episode of The Alex Jones Show is brought to you by Reynolds Wrap.

    Sunday, 01-Jan-17 02:37:46 UTC from web in context
  21. Remember when MetalTao inadvertently linked to furry porn while posting an image of Rainbow Dash? Pepperidge Farm remembers!

    Friday, 30-Dec-16 17:52:06 UTC from web
  22. @mrmattimation Reality is going to inevitably catch up with Trump, and the backlash against him will be YUGE. It's not an accident that Trump has been working to get his supporters to distrust facts, figures, elementary logic, etc.

    Friday, 30-Dec-16 17:48:00 UTC from web in context
  23. @metaltao Fabulous pony. :)

    Saturday, 24-Dec-16 06:56:37 UTC from web in context
  24. David Clarke = Clayton Bigsby

    Wednesday, 30-Nov-16 04:55:22 UTC from web
  25. @sklaing Indeed. There will be no rise of fascism. The sky will not fall.

    Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 06:02:13 UTC from web in context
  26. @ceruleanspark I went to college and learned a trade. It turns out that my degree isn't particularly useful, as all the high paying jobs around here are controlled by corrupt, nepotistic "unions". I found out I could make more money doing building maintenance than working as an HVAC mechanic/service technician.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-16 20:07:17 UTC from web in context
  27. @tiffany You can you tell who the real father is by the size of your hands.

    Sunday, 30-Oct-16 15:14:06 UTC from web in context
  28. @ceruleansbutt Not at the moment. :P

    Sunday, 30-Oct-16 15:12:49 UTC from web in context
  29. @ceruleansbutt Discuss the spanking of the butt? :P

    Sunday, 30-Oct-16 13:29:10 UTC from web in context
  30. @thelastgherkin The chief characteristic of that species is having hands that are even smaller than those of Oompa Loompas.

    Thursday, 20-Oct-16 17:56:26 UTC from web in context


