Marlee Berger's home timeline



    Friday, 14-Dec-12 11:43:41 UTC from web
    • @abigpony that source dude...

      Friday, 14-Dec-12 11:38:39 UTC from web
    • Teaching @anarchycarcino the ways of the petaphiles. #

      Friday, 14-Dec-12 10:07:48 UTC from web

      Friday, 14-Dec-12 10:36:13 UTC from web

        Friday, 14-Dec-12 09:08:52 UTC from web
        • @widget I never understand how they can do that so well.

          Friday, 14-Dec-12 08:09:54 UTC from web
        • Final Chase is a frikkin terrible level in itself, but hard mode is just the biggest piece of crap.

          Friday, 14-Dec-12 06:14:54 UTC from web
        • You don't seem to be running the latest version of Xel'lotath.

          Friday, 14-Dec-12 06:41:52 UTC from web
        • # The new pegasus in the new episode sounds just like Rainbow Dash, making most of the episode indistinguishable as to who is talking to who.

          Friday, 14-Dec-12 06:29:59 UTC from web
          • @widget Thus is the way spoilers should be.

            Friday, 14-Dec-12 04:31:18 UTC from web
          • This room i'm in has the Avengers on the wall, but it also has a black wonder woman and 2 batmans (on is winking seductively and the other is in some batjet or something.)

            Friday, 14-Dec-12 00:22:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • I want to put a pony sticker on my car just so I can single out the people I want to avoid based on who notes it.

            Thursday, 13-Dec-12 23:03:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Does anyone know what's Hasbro's stand on custom printed T-Shirts?

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:31:25 UTC from web
            • @widget i dunno. Just wondering if the banning is on schedule.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:58:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Also my friend makes pony plushes. You bet your dole I'm gonna have them make MLB plushes.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:29:24 UTC from web
            • @Abigpony >Play DMC >Replace all the music files with LMFAO

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:03:50 UTC from web
            • I dont see why Eddsworld is so freaked out that people are drawing porn of them. If people drew porn of me I would be honored.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:23:43 UTC from web
            • so today i said i thought Demon's souls was too hard to me, and the guy said: demon's souls is like taking that in the *ss, first it hurts, but you like it when you get used to. oh god why...

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 22:19:27 UTC from web
            • So yeah if this isn't a Metal Gear Solid game I will literally eat my entire head

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 21:38:36 UTC from web
            • @widget >not just sitting, listening to music, and snacking on break.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 21:41:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Why is this in the school library.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 21:06:42 UTC from web
            • I hate the bug in Android's default browser where the internet becomes unresponsive.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 21:20:58 UTC from web
            • "Library computers are unavailable for use" Well, nuts.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:38:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
            • Go bots Vs. My Little Pony Deathmatch.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:22:02 UTC from web
            • Someone reblogged my Gary Oak Galo Sengen thing and now I have 30 notes. Weird.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:24:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • @nerthos Hey man.

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 19:24:50 UTC from web
              • This is now a Shrek thread.

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 19:11:30 UTC from web Repeated by car
              • @widget why was my $5 donation from a long while ago denied a few days ago?

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 11:41:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Hard-boiled! GODDAMN!

                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 11:22:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • After an incident from last night, I just want to politely remind everyone not to be really dumb when deciding which complete strangers on the internet you should give your contact details to. :)

                    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 10:29:44 UTC from web