mustang's home timeline


  1. I am back. How's everypony?

    Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 01:51:41 UTC from web
  2. I swear if i see another arrow to the knee comment

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 22:12:21 UTC from web
  3. Someone did a @ message to me and had the spoiler tag in it, I didn't see your message as it was spoilered, so you'll need to type it out to me again.. whoever it was.

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 21:15:47 UTC from web
  4. ^_^

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 21:06:51 UTC from web
  5. @mrdragon Long time no talk, so I decided to say hallo

    Saturday, 31-Dec-11 20:43:59 UTC from web
  6. @ponydude2143 Because she's a baby for some reason. Twilight probably screwed up a spell again.

    Wednesday, 28-Dec-11 11:33:30 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 23:45:19 UTC from web
  8. Hey! 'Tis me!

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 23:26:43 UTC from web
  9. And hi everypony else, too

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 23:32:05 UTC from web
  10. @thatonepony That sounds like what I've heard of Florida. All I've seen of it has been the keys and the expressway.

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 21:39:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  11. Sitting in a nice restaurant. How's everypony doing?

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:02:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  12. hello everyone :3

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:00:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  13. Break's over. Be back later.

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 21:34:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  14. Good afternoon, RDN. How's everypony doing?

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 21:16:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  15. I hope everypony had wonderful Hearths Warning. And RDN not in space anymore, I am dissapoint

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:50:49 UTC from web
  16. RT @thatonepony Lord, I hate Florida.

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:45:15 UTC from web
    • Oh hey, the Wicked Witch says "What a world, what a world!" when melting. Instant thought: STEPHEN MAGNET

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:01:26 UTC from web
    • Gotta go out to see my cousins real soon. I'll see everypony in a bit.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:07:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @rotation Why you always leave when I come in :c byee Roro

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:07:15 UTC from web
    • @thesinistergreydragon412 @mushi Fair enough, I'm just a hug addict xD

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 19:54:33 UTC from web
    • hi ppl

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:01:32 UTC from web
    • @thesinistergreydragon412 I miss the snowflakes!

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 20:03:15 UTC from web
    • I am at home now, everypony!

      Saturday, 24-Dec-11 20:38:39 UTC from web
    • @princesstwilight # hello fellow princess! ♥

      Saturday, 24-Dec-11 20:39:40 UTC from web
    • Alright, my lunch is over, so I'll see everypony later.

      Saturday, 24-Dec-11 20:34:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Also hi everypony! =D

      Saturday, 24-Dec-11 20:34:29 UTC from web
      • Russian pony dub begins on January 2nd. BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER~

        Saturday, 24-Dec-11 20:33:59 UTC from web
        • Hello all... I signed on, and then got distracted by vw stuff.

          Friday, 23-Dec-11 07:49:50 UTC from web
        • Blah, feel like I weirded out somepony I really like and haven't talked to them much since I did. What dooo

          Friday, 23-Dec-11 07:44:57 UTC from web
        • Half day at school today, so I'll definitely be able to get artwork done. On the bus today with my Rainbow Dash shirt, wing earrings and my earlier generation MLP hat. Heheh! Good morning everypony!

          Thursday, 22-Dec-11 12:17:01 UTC from StatusNet Android