mustang's home timeline


  1. @abigpony Yes. My favourite RPG ever, both of them

    Tuesday, 10-Jan-12 03:31:21 UTC from web
  2. I wish I was better a drawing ponies.

    Tuesday, 10-Jan-12 03:19:01 UTC from web
  3. hurp~

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:49:20 UTC from web
  4. well, just set one of these things up. dont know what to do exactly... guess its time for some trial and error.

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:40:32 UTC from web
  5. @abigpony I have a Dell. #

    Monday, 09-Jan-12 08:50:21 UTC from web
  6. @greydragon412 Byebye!

    Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:57:15 UTC from web
    • well, my sister is going to usa with 1000 dollars, and she said she wont buy me an xbox because shedoesnt want me to play tales of vesperia, because if i do this, tales of the abyss will become my 3rd favorite. #

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:52:35 UTC from web
    • @greydragon412 Great! I hope it all goes awesomely! ♥

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:55:27 UTC from web
    • Night everypony.

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:47:08 UTC from web
    • @Princessweetiebelle Newpony ? Or did a very important looking pony history flew me by because of vidya games ?

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:31:58 UTC from web
    • And I'm out.

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:35:14 UTC from web
    • @wiipony I know, right? it's not intimidating at all ♥

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 22:30:03 UTC from web
      • /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 10:30:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      • Question: If you could have one episode just for a background pony on the show, which background pony would you choose?

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:47:04 UTC from web
      • Right, I've got to get ready for college now. Bye everypony.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:37:39 UTC from web
      • @shalabajza Yay!! I can speak Russian, not perfectly, but I'm solid enough. And I have both an MSN and Skype c=

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:21:07 UTC from web
      • Hey, everypony.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:20:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • @abigpony Ohhh you mean Streetlight Manifesto! I wasn't sure since you just said Streetlight xD I've heard this band a couple of times before. I like this one, it's fun but relaxing!

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:32:43 UTC from web
      • What happening my ponies!?

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 09:13:09 UTC from web
      • hey everypony how's it goin

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:34:53 UTC from web
      • Morning everypony <3 *rubs eyes groggile and gives you all # *

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:38:27 UTC from web
      • @shalabajza You still use a VHS? *brohoof* I do too xD

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:21:30 UTC from web
      • @doctorxqy Welcome! ♥

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:30:38 UTC from web
      • Well, I'm off to bed. Typing this with my monitor turned off. I thought that would help assure I get off the computer, but now I just want to check to see that I typed correctly. Drat. (And I had. So then! G'night!)

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 08:13:45 UTC from web
      • I have decided that I am going to measure my ennui and other personal drama in Morrisseys.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:54:04 UTC from web
      • @aeniug2 Nightnight c: and it'll get vetoed just like all the other similar bills before it.

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:41:11 UTC from web
      • hm. despite me having been here awhile, I've never posted a picture. Is there a specific way that that function is built into RDN? or do I have to go bother with tinypic?

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:24:19 UTC from web
      • @aeniug2 >mfw Carcino begging for mercy

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 07:31:59 UTC from web
      • Blah :( sorry everypony, life is being demaaanding

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:51:53 UTC from web
      • @princesstwilight Awwwhh ♥ You're sweet! !huga

        Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 02:19:47 UTC from web