nestordc subscribers

These are the people who listen to nestordc's notices.

  • Kento enormousapples Kento Aina Haina, HI

    SUP BRONIES! My names Kento (or Bento), and I'm a freshman in High School. I've started watching the greatest show on the god damn earth about 4 months ago, and I've been working on converting a lot of my friends into bronies, to hopefully mass the Hawaii Brony Population... Also, I Play Guitar, enjoy the 360, etc.

  • Czar Crystal czar Czar Crystal Hungary

    Hungarian Brony here! Otherwise, name is Czar. Hope to get more friends and spend good time with all the ponies here!

  • Derpy Hooves actuallyderpyhooves Derpy Hooves

    Who wants muffins???