notabronyanymorepleasedelete groups

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  • Techno-electro-dubstep-whatever Ponies technoponies Techno-electro-dubstep-whatever Ponies

    A group for ponies who like such types of music, especially those awesome 8-bit remixes by

  • Coder Ponies! coderpony Coder Ponies!

    A place for all those ponies who have the computer cutie-mark! Be it C, C++, Java, Pascal, x86 Asm, Javascript, Python, all is welcome!

  • BronyCon June 2012 bronyconjune2012 BronyCon June 2012 Seacaucus, NJ

    Group for BronyCon June 2012, which will be held in Seacaucus, NJ, which is just outside of New York City

  • Bronies Meetup in Delaware County delactybronies Bronies Meetup in Delaware County Walton, NY

    Do you live in Delaware County, NY or near Walton, NY? Would you like to meet up with other bronies? Then join this group. We will have random meetups in Walton, NY like Bowling or Episode Watching.

  • The Daring Do Official Fanclub daringdo The Daring Do Official Fanclub Wherever there's danger!

    A club for fans of that international mare of adventure, Daring Do!