RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) (redenchilada)'s status on Wednesday, 23-Jan-13 01:11:17 UTC

  1. @critialcloudkicker I, personally, prefer Android's more open software development approach. Apple has a walled-garden approach to software development that heavily limits what people can do with it, oftentimes for no other reason than to increase their own profits (This blog post illustrates some of what I mean). Android, meanwhile, is almost completely open; there's little regulation of the market outside of "is this inappropriate/illegal to have on here" and "a registration fee to keep the clutter out"; if one so chooses to avoid the market they're perfectly capable of distributing APKs through other means. It just appeals to me more as someone who's trying to get into software development. (blah blah this site gives me too many characters to ramble with)

    Wednesday, 23-Jan-13 01:11:17 UTC from web in context