John Locke (johnatmc)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 15:00:29 UTC

  1. !vgp Does anypony here play Visual Pinball? I'm asking because I thought of an idea for a MLP:FiM pinball game that I'd like to see used… Each of the 6 main shots (holes, lanes, ramps) would be for each of the mane 6, and there would be 6 modes for each of the mane 6, plus a wizard mode. Completing the modes for PP, FS, AJ, Rarity, & RD would light TS's mode. Completing TS's mode would light the wizard mode. For the wizard mode, you'd need to defeat Nightmare Moon, similar to how the mane 6 defeated her in episode # So, if anypony designs # tables using #, please design a table like this. (I'm leaving the design deTAILs to you, unless you ask me for ideas.) #!

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 15:00:29 UTC from web