Alcoholic Beast (drinkingpony)'s status on Friday, 27-Sep-19 22:51:25 UTC

  1. @scribus "considering how many people are shot in the back while running, or tazed while already handcuffed on the ground, I do believe the system as a whole qualifies as triggerhappy." - Scribus

    Yeah, and that is something that should not happen. Maybe I am too simple in thinking like this, but you would think that body cams and stuff like that would before-long filter out all the bad cops from the good cops.

    "I wouldn't ask the party who had been whipped by the system for 250+ years to be the first to yield." - Scribus

    I understand that, then again with one side of the 'non-debate' getting irrationally angry when someone utters 'Pizza Lives Matter' or 'No Lives Matter' ( actual words obscured for the sake of my sanity lest we actually fall down that hole ). I think that you are WAAAAAAY too far ahead of reality if you think anyone in their right mind would even put down a gun.

    A is too afraid that it is a trick, B is too afraid of losing leverage.

    Friday, 27-Sep-19 22:51:25 UTC from web in context