

  1. I woke up today by the lovely sound of someone lockpicking my front door. Called the police and jammed the doors to my living room. It took the police 21 minutes to get here.

    Afterwards I found out that
    1. my upstairs neighbour lost his keys and asked one of his family members to pick his front door.
    2. The police to have tazed a non-compliant civvie.
    3. That my upstairs neighbour hates me now for calling the police.

    You can probably imagine how kiwied I am RN.

    Friday, 27-Sep-19 10:39:16 UTC from web
    1. @drinkingpony Tazing? Where do you live that the police is so trigger happy?

      Friday, 27-Sep-19 12:17:58 UTC from web
      1. @adiwan Oh come on, a single tazing is hardly trigger-happy! . . . Or are my standards, as an American, truly so warped???

        Friday, 27-Sep-19 14:25:14 UTC from web
        1. @scribus It's still a very serious impact that can, under unfortunate circumstances, cause death. For me tazing should be the second to last option to use for the police, other than using a gun. Maybe it's my ignorance or idealism but I think that other solutions should be used first when all other things fail, not one of the first.

          Friday, 27-Sep-19 14:44:58 UTC from web
          1. @adiwan No, I absolutely agree, I was just poorly riffing on America's own triggerhappiness.

            Friday, 27-Sep-19 18:08:41 UTC from web
            1. @scribus Are they triggerhappy ? Or are they unwilling to take a bullet in case someone shifty goes to draw a gun ?

              Probably a little bit of both when it comes down to it. I know for a fact that statistically seen the nearly monthly shootouts in America paint a picture that is none too flattering and would leave many people to assume something.

              Head-breaking-part is that no-one is really wrong either. At least untill you are going on a case by case basis. I can't believe that there are many people out there who do such things for fun.

              Friday, 27-Sep-19 21:11:10 UTC from web
              1. @drinkingpony I get having one's guard up, but considering how many people are shot in the back while running, or tazed while already handcuffed on the ground, I do believe the system as a whole qualifies as triggerhappy. And, yeah, it is an environmental thing, and one of our own cultural creation. And everyone's trapped in it, and the whole country is in a constant, secret Mexican standoff, where the first person to try to escape (put down the gun) is liable to get shot. But someone's gotta go first, and I wouldn't ask the party who had been whipped by the system for 250+ years to be the first to yield.

                Friday, 27-Sep-19 22:25:49 UTC from web
                1. @scribus "considering how many people are shot in the back while running, or tazed while already handcuffed on the ground, I do believe the system as a whole qualifies as triggerhappy." - Scribus

                  Yeah, and that is something that should not happen. Maybe I am too simple in thinking like this, but you would think that body cams and stuff like that would before-long filter out all the bad cops from the good cops.

                  "I wouldn't ask the party who had been whipped by the system for 250+ years to be the first to yield." - Scribus

                  I understand that, then again with one side of the 'non-debate' getting irrationally angry when someone utters 'Pizza Lives Matter' or 'No Lives Matter' ( actual words obscured for the sake of my sanity lest we actually fall down that hole ). I think that you are WAAAAAAY too far ahead of reality if you think anyone in their right mind would even put down a gun.

                  A is too afraid that it is a trick, B is too afraid of losing leverage.

                  Friday, 27-Sep-19 22:51:25 UTC from web
          2. @adiwan Idunno. With only like a thousand deaths between 2000 and 2017 I am pretty sure more perps died in the back of a squad car because someone took something.

            Still, not something you want to put on your marketing material I guess. "Axon Enterprise Inc, Only indirectly responsible for roughly 60 tazer related deaths per year"

            Friday, 27-Sep-19 21:21:27 UTC from web
          3. @adiwan Oh and yes, I absolutely agree that actually using a piece of machinery/tool ( it being a gun, tazer, WE, ) should be the last ditch effort to resolve something.

            Then again I did not see what happened, so I do not think I should reserve any 'buts' or 'what if' regarding to what happened in what is essentially my hallway.

            Hmm, kinda glad I said yes to the councelling now, though I am probably going to end up being the most philosofistic person that councellor faces this year.

            Friday, 27-Sep-19 21:29:08 UTC from web
        2. @scribus Yes, and with good reason. The sheer amount of firearms present in the America's pretty much requires all police officers to have a good training for every possible what if scenario. Just for metermaids alone there is a 6 hour long training every quarter/halfyear just to go over 'what would you do if'-training.

          Whereas in most parts of Western Europe you live really closely together, even in the inner cities apparently to population density ( so getting help is seemingly a lot easier by, Idunno, simply screaming for help ) and the amount of officers that get hurt/injured on the job is rivaling that of librarians. That includes paper-cuts by the way.

          Also for some reason I am now reminded of . I guess I know why, kinda. Still a fun RLM vid to watch :)

          Friday, 27-Sep-19 21:02:37 UTC from web
      2. @adiwan NGL, I have NO idea. For all I know he had a NERF gun on him that he painted black.

        Friday, 27-Sep-19 20:50:41 UTC from web
    2. @drinkingpony That is really frightening and I'm glad it didn't go worse for you.

      Friday, 27-Sep-19 18:09:13 UTC from web
      1. @scribus That is the silly part. Nothing really happened except me noticing something, calling the neighbours ( noone was home ), me calling the cops.

        Sitting there like, what am I going to do now. So I jammed the inner doors using some things I had lying around ( Putty knife FTW ) and then got an idea of getting a needle from my sowing-kit and ducktaping it through keyhole so the sylinder could not turn ( I never did that BTW )

        Then after the police came they asked me if I knew who the guy was who tried to get inside of my home. No I did not know him.

        And then I was asked if I required councelling. I mean, I said yes but, Nothing happened.

        Free psych eval I guess.

        Friday, 27-Sep-19 21:16:04 UTC from web