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  • The Princess Celestia Fan Club celestiafanclub The Princess Celestia Fan Club

    Princess Celestia recommends that you join this group!

  • Atlanta area Bronies atlantabronies Atlanta area Bronies Atlanta, Ga

    News, gossip, and general banter concerning Bronies in and around Atlanta Georgia

  • Central Florida Bronies centralflbronies Central Florida Bronies Tampa, FL

    If you happen to be from the Central Florida area, that is Orlando and the Tampa Bay area the join. Invite your friends.

  • Savannah Bronies savannahbronies Savannah Bronies Savannah, GA
  • North Florida Brony Meetup Group northflbronies North Florida Brony Meetup Group Jacksonville, FL

    Fans of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, who live in the North Florida area. Events will be held primarily in Jacksonville, FL.

  • Tallahassee Bronies tallybronies Tallahassee Bronies Tallahassee, Florida

    This is the group for all bronies in Tallahassee on RDNet. Don't be fooled by the number here; we have a dozen bronies who just aren't on RDNet. The October 22 meetup will have little to not attendance due to a mix of football and illness. We will have to move it to a later date; we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.