princessunoriginal's home timeline


  1. ... i had to completely wipe my phone... i don't feel so good.

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:29:43 UTC from web
  2. # #

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:32:32 UTC from web
  3. after a full day of devientART ing i am pooped

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:34:26 UTC from web
  4. Rule Number 1 of Binding of Issac. Never battle bosses with only half a heart left.

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:34:45 UTC from web
    • So I started to play TF2 again after 3 months. I got MVP every game. I guess Payday the heist....PAID OFF.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:30:02 UTC from web
    • That was the most intense battle on Binding of Issac ever, and it wasn't even the final boss

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:25:58 UTC from web
    • Hi guiz!

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 02:24:04 UTC from web
    • oh hell yes.

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:53:41 UTC from web
    • Lyra after a bath in literally boiling water. Cutting it once it's dry.

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:34:39 UTC from web
    • russian, not knowm for the bucks they give

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:29:45 UTC from web
    • OK! Hot soup is on my eye. Oh no! Now you're doing a hip-hop dance on my head!

      Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:27:01 UTC from web
      • "What's up with that trench coat, Bubs?" "Oh. Uh... I'm a public flasher!" "Yeah, right. You ain't got no nudity under there! Open 'er up!"

        Sunday, 24-Feb-13 22:15:00 UTC from web

        Sunday, 24-Feb-13 21:55:53 UTC from web
      • Then a pokemon was here.

        Sunday, 24-Feb-13 21:55:57 UTC from web
        • moo

          Sunday, 24-Feb-13 21:30:12 UTC from web

          Sunday, 24-Feb-13 21:07:54 UTC from web
        • @raritygemz I WILL NOT HELP RARITY FIND GEMS O_O!!! >:O

          Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:50:38 UTC from web
        • Then there was the time Daxter got sucked into a computer screen and his head was forced to be Pac-Man.

          Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:45:58 UTC from web
          • Count Veger just had his privileges stripped. Now what is he supposed to check??

            Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:27:00 UTC from web
          • collect 10 hermit crabs

            Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:19:28 UTC from web
          • Say what you will about GT5's terminally unfun gameplay, it looks /good/

            Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:17:37 UTC from web

              Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:16:45 UTC from web
            • Think in terms of things that are expensive.

              Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:14:16 UTC from web

                Sunday, 24-Feb-13 20:11:55 UTC from web
              • Tara Strong is apparently on my support team. I don't remember meeting any character voiced by Tara Strong, but there she is in my ear, yammering on about artefacts and precursors.

                Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:58:39 UTC from web
                • What if Applejack said "saltlick" instead of "sugarcube"

                  Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:49:38 UTC from web
                • and poof, i feel older

                  Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:47:04 UTC from web
                • Why did I do this

                  Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:17:03 UTC from web
                • @widget

                  Sunday, 24-Feb-13 19:40:45 UTC from web