Notices by Rainbow Revolver (rainbowrevolver), page 8


    Friday, 07-Oct-11 03:05:06 UTC from web in context
  2. @abighuman @mushi @lyokotravels @miloth My mom is pretty awesome. ;D

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 03:04:15 UTC from web in context
  3. I glad my mom understands that Pokemon and ponies are srs bsns. <3

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 02:09:55 UTC from web in context
  4. I need to finish all my art projects I started. x_x

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 21:15:16 UTC from web
  5. @mrdragon Thank you c:

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 21:11:57 UTC from web in context
  6. Goodnight, everypony! :3

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 06:24:02 UTC from web in context
  7. @gangstashy I'm always so bad at keeping track of my stuff. ;-; I just hope it turns up soon! Dx

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 06:23:42 UTC from web in context
  8. Time for some TF2 <3

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 05:33:15 UTC from web
  9. @gangstashy And a draconequus! :D He didn't show up too well though ;w;

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 05:31:56 UTC from web in context
  10. @eaglehooves Thank you :3 <3 I'll provide better quality pics later! xD

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 05:01:02 UTC from web in context
  11. @madflavors @greydragon412 @eaglehooves @pinhooves @gangstashy @mrdragon @kingmetal Here are those sketches I did. Once again, I'm VERY sorry for the crappy webcam pics right now, I'll update the pictures when I find my digital camera. This set of sketches includes Appleliar, Hoity Toity Scootaloo, Emo Twilight (friend's request), Octavia X Berry Punch, Screwball, Spitfire, Colgate, Sweetie Belle, Pinkamena, Fluttercherries(and Pinkamena), Swagga Dash, Princess Celestia, Derpy Hooves, Vinyl Scratch, Rainbow Dash, Dinky Hooves, Morton Salt Shaker, Discord, Applebloom, The Great and Powerful Trixie, annnnnnd Pinkie Pie

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 04:57:59 UTC from web in context
  12. I need to find my digital camera. >_<

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 04:49:50 UTC from web
  13. @pinhooves Yup! :3 I'm uploading them right now.

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 03:55:16 UTC from web in context
  14. Internet's back, now I can upload sketches finally. x_x

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 03:53:44 UTC from web in context
  15. @princesstwilight Yay!! x3

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 01:04:36 UTC from web in context
  16. @madflavors Baw, I'm sorry Dx

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:33:41 UTC from web in context
  17. @kingmetal I have apple trees toooo.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:32:49 UTC from web in context
  18. @greydragon412 Peaches are delicious <3

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:26:06 UTC from web in context
  19. @madflavors My fruit orchards are pretty amazing ;3

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:25:54 UTC from web in context
  20. @greydragon412 We have a fruit orchard and, we collected a bunch of peaches to be canned and, in order to be canned they must be peeled.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:14:06 UTC from web in context
  21. @greydragon412 After I get done helping my mom peel peaches.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:39:42 UTC from web in context
  22. @princesstwilight What? D':

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:39:19 UTC from web in context
  23. @princesstwilight I don't think you have. :3

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:33:19 UTC from web in context
  24. @madflavors Hahaha xD

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:10:46 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:02:37 UTC from web in context
  26. @madflavors I thought it was pretty awesome and, it has a great soundtrack too. xP

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 21:59:14 UTC from web in context
  27. @madflavors Almost everyone I know seems to hate it, lol.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 21:55:56 UTC from web in context
  28. UNPOPULAR OPINION: I thought Sucker Punch was an awesome movie.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 21:52:23 UTC from web in context
  29. Gotta peel more peaches. :|

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 21:48:59 UTC from web
  30. Bye everypony, I have class now. x_x

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 17:46:14 UTC from web