rednorth's favorite notices, page 9

This is a way to share what you like.

  1. @rednorth I have layers and transform tools. Don't sweat it.

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 20:33:38 UTC from web in context
  2. @rednorth I like that scarf too, I imagine it even and fuzzy, warm but never tries to burn your skin beneath it. I like those kind of scarves.

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 20:15:35 UTC from web in context
  3. @rednorth show you teacher my solution to impress him

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 03:49:28 UTC from web in context
  4. @rednorth aannnd that is my dream job

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 03:48:30 UTC from web in context
  5. Anyway, I'm off to shower. I'll be back in a bit.

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 03:48:01 UTC from web in context
  6. Pinkie! You;ve gotta stand up talll! Gotta Face your Fearrrss!

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 00:40:57 UTC from web in context
  7. @rednorth Balance is key to a good collab. I'm sticking to my harmonic arsenal. :)

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 21:02:20 UTC from web in context
  8. @rednorth No, I'm fine buddy, we're both into this and you were on FIRE when you started getting your sketchpad and stuff. I'll just stick around for entertainment. I'm having fun with what I do.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 20:10:43 UTC from web in context
  9. @darkw00d Last October, I hate leaving the house, man.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 20:05:07 UTC from web in context
  10. @rednorth The back seems to be fitting for me. I like being the guardian of some friends of mine.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 19:45:50 UTC from web in context
  11. @rednorth Alright, I need references of the show's actual visual of the city. (manehattan) Brb

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 19:45:05 UTC from web in context
  12. Can anyone explain to me why you'd want to play Alliance in World of Warcraft ? Bonuspoints if you can also explain why you'd want to play World of Warcraft.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 19:14:08 UTC from web in context
  13. @mrmattimation I've seen it multiple times since it's on Netflix and I really like it. It's really quirky and unique but it also has a lot of artistic vision and scope. It's really nice to see a film these days with so much colour and personality.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 04:59:31 UTC from web in context
  14. @rednorth Oh man, I might watch it tomorrow

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 04:57:03 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  15. Call me pretentious but my favourite movie of 2014 was The Grand Budapest Hotel. Wes Anderson's directing was fun and idiosyncratic as always, the character interactions and dialogue were an absolute treat, the settings were eye catching and varied, and the soundtrack was just fantastic.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 04:55:15 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 04:16:59 UTC from Mayonnaise
  17. @mrmattimation Some 720p TVs will accept a 1080i signal and scale it down to the TV's resolution. My TV's only 720p but it'll let me send it a 1920x1080 signal from my laptop (and make it look really crappy in the process. I have it on 1600x900 to match the built-in screen and it still downscales a bit, but is much more tolerable)

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 04:04:05 UTC from web in context
  18. Somebody shoulda charged his phone before he got trapped in an alternate universe today.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 03:51:05 UTC from Mayonnaise
  19. Guy1: where are my car keys
    Guy2: dont worry i locked them in the car so they don't get stolen

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 03:16:29 UTC from web
  20. I could make this way easier on myself by just taking a screenshot on my phone, but I prefer to draw it. Feels more accomplished that way.

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 02:14:38 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 01:44:21 UTC from web in context
  22. I miss seeing Spots here everyday. It's like loosing a Regular Customer/

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 00:46:13 UTC from web
  23. @meloetta I miss her already

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 00:30:29 UTC from web in context
  24. NOOOOOOOOO! I am caught up with the comic now. ;W; I have to wait for the next page like everyone else.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:57:16 UTC from web
  25. @rednorth The Perfect COmbination sometimes comes from Opposites!

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:47:40 UTC from web in context
  26. Oh yeah I forgot I actually have things to post to the horse gaming site now

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:31:10 UTC from web in context
  27. @rednorth YES!
    Or when he Voices Iron Giant.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:27:37 UTC from web in context
  28. @rednorth Many Vests in this.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:19:53 UTC from web in context
  29. @redenchilada At 7-8 gold each, I've made a few thousand already.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 23:11:39 UTC from web in context
  30. Lots of good vocabulary lists for many languages. Pick a region and language and browse the vocab, and click "Vorschau"in the right columns to view the lists.

    Tuesday, 24-Feb-15 22:58:57 UTC from web in context