sb42's favorite notices, page 4

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  1. @sebastian1314 ah, try not to worry about it too much. I know how intimidating that pink isle can be. Society is pretty oppressive in some ways, it can be hard for some people to break out openly. Don't worry about lacking courage in that respect, there are many forms of courage, and really, being able to buy a girl's toy isn't a very important kind of courage

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:02:11 UTC from web in context
  2. @mushi Yahh .. I long got Cheerliee , Rainbow Dash & Rarity .. Gonna get the rest on my birthday after the new episode tommarow on 3/11 :3

    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 04:59:46 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  3. @sebastian1314 Well atleast I have scootaloo

    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 04:48:18 UTC from web in context
  4. @purpletinker I wanna be a nosy pony and ask a load of rubbish, but I'll just say. We all love you Tinker <3 dun listen to any meanies, we all love you ehre.

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 23:23:29 UTC from web in context
  5. @sebastian1314 lol sweetie belle is awesome

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 04:39:58 UTC from web in context
  6. Rainbow Dash is an awesome pony and should have an awesome network to boot. Not convinced?

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 02:11:24 UTC from web
  7. @sebastian1314 im willing to help 100%

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 02:06:33 UTC from web in context
  8. @cabal OOH how about themed days like Equestria Daily does? Like they did with the whole Daring Do Network thing. That looked pretty cool. There is a site called Ponies Are My Passion that lets you change the homepage background based on your favorite mane 6 character. And how about a users counter, like the tally thing that EQD does, but it shows how many users there are on the site. Clouds in the background like @minti said would be pretty cool too.

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 01:59:40 UTC from web in context

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:13:03 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  10. @nerthos Yeah, that's not going to happen.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:11:07 UTC from web in context
  11. I am for it 120% @sebastian1314

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 01:29:32 UTC from web in context
  12. @sebastian1314 I am a full supporter of Invisible Children. I think we bronies should donate money to them.

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 01:27:33 UTC from web in context
  13. @sebastian1314 inception style mind explosion.

    Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 00:57:17 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:43:56 UTC from web in context
  15. @cabal We won't perish, if nothing does get done then I will take RDN if this money will not be continued to be invested I will invest my own money. RDN won't die so long as I am here. Looking through the context, site design, we could also do with better stability, newer version of Statusnet to cure the back door issues and to bring up on new features, the mods that we have need to be re checked. Those that are no longer apart of this site need to go and myself and @colfax believe we have a stable mod system in place as is now, but if need be we will select another one or two. European for the euro times and another US timezone would do well. Basic, and simple changes. This fandom is growing at a rapid pace, as such users will come and go. It's quite fine as is, just needs a few small changes.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 03:18:00 UTC from web in context
  16. For someone who's never done anything in Java outside of school assignments before, I'd consider myself doing pretty well! I've got a basic rendering system and basic platform physics running, and graphics are almost ready. I'M MAKING THIS HAPPEN... Anyway, good night.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 03:20:57 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  17. RDN must not be allowed to die, this is one of the few places on the internet where I actually enjoy spending my time and where the majority of the people are actually nice

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:12:41 UTC from web
  18. @sebastian1314 There may well be nothing after life, but isn't that all the more reason to enjoy it while we have it? Make the most of the little things and live in the moment. Some people manage to make a mark on the world, and are remembered for centuries after they are gone. But even if you can't do that you can seek out a little enjoyment, and try to give enjoyment to others. We have positive emotions, why not seek to fell them as much as possible. If there is really nothing after death then there's nothing wasted by pursuing self happiness and the happiness of others.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 18:25:38 UTC from web in context
  19. @sebastian1314 I too know melancholy all too well... I have come up upon this realization before I was a brony (in the NB4 times). Now, I have bronies, and I look at this equine society as Marx did at his theoretical world, with a longing. How I wish to frollick out in the breeze with them, not a care in the world. But, shamefully, I have to rush onwards towards death and the time I will be forgotten, living only a second life on the computer until then.

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 18:27:58 UTC from web in context
  20. For those who saw the brownies post that sebastian1314 posted, I must say did anypony else catch the REAL error in the article? The brownie thing, okay. But the article said the controversy would not concern 5yr old girls who "sit on the sofa AFTER SCHOOL to watch it..." Hello? New episodes are on Saturdays! These guys are funny.

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:54:27 UTC from web in context
  21. @sebastian1314 g'night

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:42:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  22. @sebastian1314 HAVE A GOODNIGHT FELLOW BRONY!

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:41:58 UTC from web in context
  23. @sebastian1314 I lol'd because that's how my entire family insists on pronouncing "bronies".

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:40:09 UTC from web in context
  24. @sebastian1314 awww...I know that feel bro. For me this started with the spawning of /mlp/ or the take down of ponyarchive. It unleashed the clashing of different cultures and derpy just added to the fire. It's like the apples has hit the fan and nopony has the tools to clean it up. I should have expected bananas to happen (especially knowing parts of the internet are o so dark) but I've seen the bad side of one too many "bronies" lately and it's made me wonder if this was ever a good thing. Sure there have been good things to come from it, but there is too much demanding, taking advantage of, and mostly hate. I know I can't say this is everypony, but I'm seeing a recent surge in the number of bad apples in the bushel lately.

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 05:13:09 UTC from web in context
  25. @sebastian1314 I have the same shirt 6-9

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 01:26:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  26. @thatonepony @bronyalex No, Do, so then she can claim to be related to Daring Do.

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 01:12:44 UTC from web in context
  27. @alias

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 08:16:37 UTC from web in context
  28. @thatonepony you little troll

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 16:07:06 UTC from web in context
  29. @sebastian1314 Buh-bye.

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 05:28:53 UTC from web in context
  30. @sebastian1314 Haha glad we could help, hate to see someone down cause of us.

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 05:27:08 UTC from web in context