Ryan Jones's home timeline


  1. @vt3c Do it!

    Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 06:00:31 UTC from web
    • I think my sister is impatiently waiting for me to move my computer out now. So, see you shortly! (I hope!)

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:59:50 UTC from web
    • Anyone up for doing a Skype call on July 4th? I remember our call last year. It was fantastic. Almost like sitting over a campfire with your friends on summer break...

      Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:56:30 UTC from web
      • Hello

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:11:53 UTC from web
      • I didn't really wanna change from this avatar anyway.

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:43:06 UTC from web
      • So, anyone here fans of Jojo's bizarre adventure? lol

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:33:48 UTC from web
      • Goodnight

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:16:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !mibronies Holy crap this group has grown. Where did you all spring from? xD

        Wednesday, 03-Jul-13 05:13:49 UTC from web
      • @pony What are you doin', lurking about?

        Monday, 01-Jul-13 08:06:44 UTC from web
      • @current topic I have NEVER been able to sit down and read a book on the computer.. NEVER, it's just not a thing I can do. I like the good ol paper books

        Monday, 01-Jul-13 07:46:02 UTC from web
      • Hello!

        Monday, 01-Jul-13 07:53:01 UTC from web
      • @widget !bronycon2013 For sure! If I'd known earlier I might have tried to arrange a website panel, or something of the sort... but oh well!

        Monday, 01-Jul-13 07:56:51 UTC from web
      • *snort* IV breeding *snort* EV training *snort*

        Sunday, 30-Jun-13 19:15:43 UTC from web
      • @scoot Your name sounds rather familiar. Have you changed it at all recently?

        Sunday, 30-Jun-13 19:01:52 UTC from web
      • @sprite Well then welcome to the party!

        Sunday, 30-Jun-13 19:00:23 UTC from web
      • @vt3c Then write a story!~

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:27:04 UTC from web
      • @vt3c What are you doing.

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:22:27 UTC from web
      • DANGIT GHERKIN! http://thelastgherkin.deviantart.com/art/Feel-the-Spark-259345544

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:15:00 UTC from web
      • @vt3c Uhh... you alright?

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:14:29 UTC from web
      • Why do I feel like I don't know anyone on here any more? xD

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:04:25 UTC from web
      • Hi guys

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:08:48 UTC from web
      • @vt3c What do you mean? o.O

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:09:52 UTC from web
      • It's good to visit the past.

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:02:25 UTC from web
      • Take a trip to the past!! http://web.archive.org/web/query?type=urlquery&url=http%3A%2F%2Frainbowdash.net&Submit=Go+Wayback%21

        Thursday, 27-Jun-13 08:07:09 UTC from web
        • @abigpony It may not last forever, this is true, but ponies have been around since 1980. It's only the recent line that converted like 99% of us. It's lasted over 30 years. kids grew up and because adults who still cherish their childhood ponies. Who's to say that we wont keep fluttershy, applejack, rainbow dash, rarity, twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, luna, celestia, derpy, doctor whooves, and all the rest in our hearts for the rest of our lives? We are the one who made the fandom big. And when the show goes off the air for good (hopefully not till season 8 or something like that), we will have left a very long legacy. Tons of pmv's, music, fanfics, pics, OC's, and more. We've met tons of friends, made new relationships, and become better and nicer people (99% of us most likely). It's gonna be something I will always look back on fondly and carry till my dying day, and when I lay in that casket, I will have the core 6 with me. That's what MLP means to me, and to many others.

          Sunday, 22-May-11 05:58:43 UTC from web
        • Hello absence line I would like to report an absence I am not coming in to work today because I am too chilled out

          Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 08:05:23 UTC from web
        • Boo.

          Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 07:47:48 UTC from web
        • if i had a chance to pick any car i'd pick nissan skyline

          Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 07:42:18 UTC from web
        • So what have I missed.

          Wednesday, 19-Jun-13 07:48:22 UTC from web