Notices tagged with include

  1. my favorite hashtags here on GS are # and #

    Monday, 10-Jul-17 14:17:20 UTC from in context
  2. @shpuld @pasty
    In file stupidcrap.c:
    # <stdio.h>
    void dostupidcrap(char a) {
      for (int i = 0; i<=a; i++)
        printf("%c", a);

    Monday, 10-Jul-17 14:16:30 UTC from in context
  3. # <stdlib.h>
    int main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
        char * m = (char *)&main;
        m = "";
        main(0, NULL);
        return 0;

    Thursday, 17-Nov-16 01:21:52 UTC from
  4. @thefaico @liberadalinux @victorhck esto en C se puede hacer de forma sencilla:


    struct termios term, termorig;
    FILENO, &term);
    termorig = term;term.clflag &= ~ECHO;
    tcsetattr(STDINFILENO, TCSANOW, &term);
    FILENO, TCSANOW, &term_orig);

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-16 18:50:12 UTC from in context
  5. well you see theres a handy little thing called # where you can take someone elses wheel and use it in your project.

    it acts as a copy/paste function because thats literally the simplest and most efficient way to do it.

    gets() is deprecated and not in the C standard as of 2k11

    there are many ways of safely putting user input into a string and all of them rely on the programmer not being a total retard and blindly batcaveting User Input into a fixed size box of memory.

    C asks you to supply your own wheels, vectors, lists, etc... because thats the most barebones and simple thing it can do. this is why C will always be faster then any more abstract language like Rust or Go and why it is the best non assembly for embedded projects.

    Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:02:21 UTC from in context Repeated by takeshitakenji
  6. well you see theres a handy little thing called # where you can take someone elses wheel and use it in your project.

    it acts as a copy/paste function because thats literally the simplest and most efficient way to do it.

    gets() is deprecated and not in the C standard as of 2k11

    there are many ways of safely putting user input into a string and all of them rely on the programmer not being a total retard and blindly batcaveting User Input into a fixed size box of memory.

    C asks you to supply your own wheels, vectors, lists, etc... because thats the most barebones and simple thing it can do. this is why C will always be faster then any more abstract language like Rust or Go and why it is the best non assembly for embedded projects.

    Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:02:21 UTC from in context
  7. //This is how you even: !nolife

    int main(void){
    int x;
    printf("\n This is how you \"even\":\n Please enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &x);
    while (getchar() != '\n');
    if ((x & 1) == 0) {
    printf(" Even.\n ");
    } else {
    printf(" Odd.\n ");
    return 0;

    Monday, 27-Oct-14 19:05:24 UTC from web
  8. # <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
    printf("\n Y'all are tools.");
    return 0;

    Saturday, 27-Sep-14 00:31:06 UTC from web
  9. # <stdio. h>

    Thursday, 21-Nov-13 19:09:32 UTC from web in context
  10. @hakupony # <iostream> using namespace std; main() { cout << "Hello world!"; return 0; } // What now?

    Saturday, 21-Apr-12 13:56:31 UTC from web in context
  11. @gomerx I added it to node_net.h, # <gnutls/gnutls.h> and # <gnutls/x509.h> were already there

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 02:31:48 UTC from
  12. @rotation # <montage.h>

    Thursday, 05-May-11 12:17:52 UTC from web
  13. @administrator # <iostream> int main(){std::cout<<"hello world"<<std::endl; return 0;}

    Thursday, 05-May-11 12:08:54 UTC from Choqok in context