Notices tagged with maycan

  1. Even though # is pretty close to death (not dead yet because I still use it in everday life) it might be seeing a resurrection soon. I'm thinking about it more and more. The language and the society that uses it, shapes it. Who knows, it might just really die, or it might really live. We'll see.

    Thursday, 09-Nov-17 17:30:56 UTC from web
  2. In an effort to less homogenise my old language creation project I'm re-thinking # yet again, this time in a more fell swoop. Less obvious Turkic roots, easier to speak maybe (at least easier for me to follow through, hopefully by the end it'll be the same for any one).

    Thursday, 13-Apr-17 01:07:30 UTC from web
  3. The # word for 'lake' (ehale) has a strange evolution. In the ancient form of the language there were no separate words for bodies of water be they river, stream; or lake, sea, etc. The words would either be (esuora) meaning 'standing water' or (esuoka) meaning 'flowing water'.

    The first comprehensive written forms of the language were abjadic meaning consonants are written and vowels are assumed; so (ehale) comes from a misunderstanding of (ehela) which translates to 'gathering'. This refers to Lake Baikal, which they called Pahela ehale, storm's gathering.

    Friday, 03-Feb-17 01:29:02 UTC from web in context
  4. Tmw you think # is Polish because of acute accents on consonants

    Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 17:20:44 UTC from web in context
  5. @scribus Ha, astute. I mean it was designed to be universal for all the peoples of Europe, but that's what precisely I don't like about it. Maybe # sounds terrible to other people, but I can say I created it more than jumbled different languages together. To me language is beautiful because it's unique, quirky.

    Thursday, 22-Dec-16 02:24:54 UTC from web in context
  6. "Fun fact" for #: the word (e)lawr directly translates to (the) song, but is commonly used to represent language, namely the mannerism in which a person speaks. That leaves accent, intonation, parlance, even dialect, to be translated to one word. While lawanaj means to sing, lawraj would mean to speak in a certain manner, usually accompanies with a modifier of sorts. dzäj still means to speak but namely means simply the action of speaking.

    Wednesday, 14-Dec-16 18:46:24 UTC from web
  7. So a kind of trial, a song I wrote. A translation of "The Rains of Castamere" into # A text can be found here.

    Monday, 12-Dec-16 16:52:09 UTC from web in context
  8. @rarity i presume like Swedish they have a vowel degradation. That's fun. # has that too.

    Friday, 18-Nov-16 22:56:50 UTC from web in context
  9. Now realising I haven't done anything in # since school and a little before then even, not even spoken more than maybe 10 words aloud or otherwise. I should get back to it, mostly the documentation.

    Thursday, 13-Oct-16 23:42:24 UTC from web
  10. A little story I came up in #, sound byte included

    Sunday, 27-Mar-16 23:32:15 UTC from web
  11. In # the word for 'life' is eweś which is a sort of derivation of ew which means home and comfort. However 'existence' is pzöveś which is a derivation of a word akin to harshness, difficulty, a form of struggle. Maycans in their older days considered existence (at least in this physical plane) was a struggle, and very short in the grand scheme of spirituality. eweś is to mean the comfort one finds within the struggle of existence, and the beauty that may not exist in any other plane that comes from that struggle.

    Friday, 25-Mar-16 17:53:32 UTC from web
  12. In # there is no separate word for 'lord' versus 'host' because in the old ways a lordship, such as it was, was determined by how many people would become guests in their gert, village or township. This word is ezöntew.

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 23:29:12 UTC from web
  13. The name # could also be a disambiguation of the word 'miaran' which in the supposed elder language would have translated to 'people of the forest'. (Said elder language exists in my head purely as a jumble of words from which some Maycan words take root)

    Friday, 11-Mar-16 01:01:27 UTC from web
  14. For those interested, # translation of Schleicher's Fable

    Wednesday, 02-Mar-16 02:11:53 UTC from web in context
  15. "The Sheep and the Horses", #

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 02:56:16 UTC from
  16. @awl maybe # will get "viral" some day in 150 years :-) Is it easy to learn if you already speak a Turkic language?

    Saturday, 13-Feb-16 13:28:30 UTC from in context
  17. #: tza, which has become to mean yes, comes from an old way to say you speak the truth, tzaherdeç. ź̧e, which has become to mean no, is a sort of participle indicating absence of a certain thing/person/time, but in the modern language has also become a negative participle.

    Thursday, 11-Feb-16 00:35:12 UTC from web
  18. Remember the 'fourth person' thing? Well, come to theink of the article (e-) in # when attached to verbs kind of conveys this idea. That is, a removed agent, such as epzelüömn (one never knows), a vague reference to a distant third person such as esäbzäwärdi (i gave it to him), and in some cases more than one subject or none such as ekävelven (walk here).

    Saturday, 06-Jun-15 01:25:14 UTC from web
  19. Listening to some Yugoslav partizan marches/songs and working on my # dictionary.

    Sunday, 10-May-15 19:29:56 UTC from in context
  20. It seems the # noun doesn't in fact have 14 grammatical cases if you take away definitive forms.

    Sunday, 22-Mar-15 22:54:42 UTC from in context
  21. # probably uses too many diacritics. Such as 'ebzähitäcäksen' (i could have gone to it). That's namely for regulatory sake due to vowel harmony but in truth all the 'ä's in that word are pronounced like the 'e' is.

    Saturday, 21-Mar-15 14:58:09 UTC from web
  22. @rarity the umlaut is used in other languages utilising the Latin script for the same reason; separation of vowel sounds (french is such an example), but i will always see the Russian ë (pronounced yo) or the # character (sounds like u in Japanese 'desu').

    Saturday, 21-Mar-15 14:36:35 UTC from web in context
  23. My thinking in # is going to be exacted by creating idiomatic expressions in it.

    Sunday, 15-Mar-15 20:23:38 UTC from
  24. @scribus I tell myself the same about # dictionary entries.

    Monday, 09-Mar-15 03:29:59 UTC from web in context
  25. Updated Swadesh List audio for #

    Sunday, 22-Feb-15 19:34:56 UTC from
  26. # to whilst working on # word entries.

    Sunday, 22-Feb-15 17:58:17 UTC from
  27. @mushi I was thinking of using it for # as well but yes, it's too silly.  I like how you say numbers in it now, well enough.

    Monday, 26-Jan-15 03:03:25 UTC from in context
  28. A thought about the copula 'to be'.  In # it doesn't translate as 'exist', but 'to be present'.  How does it affect society or t'other

    Saturday, 24-Jan-15 23:33:32 UTC from
  29. @mk Have you heard of #, the language created by @awlkhalyan / @awlditzy @naikodemus

    Saturday, 24-Jan-15 01:10:09 UTC from in context
  30. Thursday evenings I shall spend thinking (or at least attempting to do so), in #

    Friday, 09-Jan-15 05:05:11 UTC from