Notices tagged with notenoughpony
And now for my announcement: #notenoughpony #neverenoughpony
Saturday, 26-Nov-11 15:57:06 UTC from web -
Gaaahh no second screen equal no multitasking with ponies. #notenoughpony
Sunday, 21-Aug-11 22:32:38 UTC from web -
@h0mfr0g How could you have missed it? This place is always full of absurdity, a byproduct of #notenoughpony.
@magicrussia yea o change my mind #notenoughpony.
@colfax Also, more tech note: the ponies get everywhere! I have two screens, covered in ponies. This may finally be a cure for #notenoughpony.
@greydragon412 What illness is this? #notenoughpony?
@abigpony The usual. #notenoughpony and such. How about you?
@earflaps Cool. Thanks for sharing. I think I now have more pony related accounts than everyday internet accounts now. #notenoughpony
@abigpony Are you writing because there's #notenoughpony? That's what I'm up to.
@rotation #notenoughpony? :)
@zodrache69 But it''s always #notenoughpony.
@rainclop I definitely have a case of #notenoughpony. Ponies have this odd way of motivating me to do stuff I would otherwise think about briefly and then not do, so I might end up buying a new computer this summer... to run desktop ponies.
@thecupcakinator wishing I could watch more pony #notenoughpony
@rainclop Not sure what Wiked is, but I daresay you have had #notenoughpony ;)
Over at my uncle's place. His 7 year old daughter was showing off her toys. Asked if she had any ponies - no luck. #notenoughpony
@abigpony Good point! :D In fact, when I woke up and realized I didn't have a dozen ponies running around my server, it was more like #notenoughpony