Notices tagged with relatable

  1. @safebot #

    Sunday, 10-Sep-17 03:07:35 UTC from in context
  2. @moonman #

    Friday, 07-Apr-17 03:41:22 UTC from in context
  3. The episode of Bob's Burgers where Gene falls in love with the lunchlady is #

    Saturday, 25-Feb-17 15:06:37 UTC from web
  4. #

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-17 06:25:05 UTC from
  5. what straight boys think sex is # #

    Friday, 23-Sep-16 14:54:17 UTC from web
  6. #

    Thursday, 07-Jul-16 20:52:41 UTC from web in context
  7. @ragnarokangel #

    Sunday, 21-Feb-16 06:48:57 UTC from in context
  8. Very original and not overused joke 10/10 most relatable Twitter account # # #

    Friday, 01-Jan-16 16:27:36 UTC from web
  9. Did u guys know?????? Hitler killed Jews!!!!!! Uh why can't he kill homework???????? #

    Tuesday, 08-Dec-15 23:38:40 UTC from web
  10. @rarity lol # *insert over-saturation of emojis and memes*

    Tuesday, 06-Oct-15 19:52:31 UTC from web in context
  11. @mrmattimation wow # amirite u guys

    Monday, 28-Sep-15 01:24:29 UTC from web in context
  12. @stonewing #

    Friday, 26-Jul-13 03:49:14 UTC from web in context