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  1. 20 minutes later it is fixed. I fixed it temporarily with a zip tie and went to the hardware store to get the right screws and nuts. Obviously I bought more than I actually needed to fix that. What I learned is that I don't have enough screws and nuts.

    about 3 months ago from web
  2. My favorite mug that I own for about 25 years has finally cracked. The handle broke on its own from the handling and the temperature changes. The crack was relatively clean. I "fixed" it with super glue but I have little confidence that it'll hold more than a year and I think it'll show other crack in that time.

    about 3 months ago from web
  3. “Are you better off now than when people were dying by the thousand and unemployment was at 10% and there were riots in the streets every other day” like yeah I think most people are

    about 3 months ago from web
  4. This toon is ten minutes and is fully PG in content, might be the first time I’ve done something so long and so tame in about eight years

    about 4 months ago from web
  5. I am dissatisfied with the way x candidate has handled y issue, so I will be voting for his opponent who has promised to handle it even worse

    about 4 months ago from web
  6. if anybody's wondering what the worst thing i've ever animated is, it's that

    about 4 months ago from web
  7. It has been finished!

    about 4 months ago from web
  8. The live-action Avatar The Last Airbender is pretty decent. I only watched the first episode so far.

    about 4 months ago from web
  9. I bought a tool for splicing 3d printer filament. It's difficult as hell. I bought it so I can use up all those "too much to throw away but too short to print anything usable" spools. The main problem is that I end up having a splice that is way too thick to fit through the PTFE tube that will definitely end up as a print failure. At this point I think it is a operator failure than a failure of the tool. I give it more tries until I throw it into the corner.

    about 5 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Yeah, I bet there's a "touch" to it that'll take a bit to find

      about 5 months ago in context
    • @scribus I think too. Also I have the suspicion that the tool I bought is kind of flawed in both handling and execution It is made such that you put one end into the area with the Teflon sleeve and the other end to the metal hole. Both ends are then heated by a flame (candle, lighter) for a couple seconds and then pulled into the Teflon area and there the ends are pushed together while the plastic is hot. After it has cooled down the screws are loosened and the tool can be removed. The hole in the Teflon area is about 2mm in diameter while the plastic filament is 1.75mm. Ideally the hole should be the same or close in size. Either way pushing the filament into the hole while it's melted is hard as the filament itself tends to naturally curl because it has been wound up on a spool before and hand-straightening is not really easy or effective enough. I need to shave off the extra bulge back to 1.75mm in order to prevent clogs. Wasn't expensive tough.

      about 5 months ago in context
  10. “Kiryu has contracted schizophrenia from repeated exposure to Kasuga” is not a tutorial I thought I would read in this game

    about 5 months ago from web
    • Show all 6 replies
    • @adiwan I dunno, maybe I’m just misremembering Nanba’s voice because I’m currently used to hearing him as Yagami’s, but Greg Chun constantly sounds like he’s about to lose his voice in Infinite Wealth. That and his audio mixing is like noticeably worse than everyone else’s, so he might actually just have done everything from home with no voice direction and the audio engineer didn’t fix anything. Mega jarring because the rest of the English voice dub is shockingly good.

      about 5 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra I'm playing with the Japanese audio. I don't know how good the English voice cast is but I'm very much used to listening to the Japanese voices. On the other hand the English of some characters is the epitome of bad. I cringe extremely hard hearing Bryce speaking English. If I were the director I'd rather have a voice-alike for the English. Maybe it was out of budget or time but it undermines his character in my opinion.

      about 5 months ago in context
    • @adiwan it’s mad unfortunate in some cases, they face scanned Daniel Dae Kim for the triad boss but when he talks it’s not Daniel Dae Kim’s voice and Daniel Dae Kim is Ebina instead???

      about 5 months ago in context
  11. A group of dudes stole $2000 in merchandise in a single night at my store, and my dumbass hothead of a cart pusher threw hands. They came in again last night and brought mace. Now I kind of wanna wear goggles tonight in case they come in again but at this rate if they discover I’m immune to mace they’ll bring a gun tomorrow.

    about 5 months ago from web
  12. Was at my tax guy. I'll gonna get 80€ back!

    about 5 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Woo, not paying!!

      about 5 months ago in context
    • @scribus It would be more if I didn't had the tax guy and did it by myself but it's a piece of mind worth the loss. Cannot tell how much time it saves me. It took me half an hour getting through all my papers, optimize some little things, berating me not having enough expenses as I didn't reach a threshold for a bigger tax payback, and getting it ready to send to the tax office.

      about 5 months ago in context
  13. Pokemon is loved by most. Palworld is a the new kid on the block. I am a Sujimon connoisseur.

    about 5 months ago from web
    • @adiwan And we don't even speak the name "Digimon" in this house

      about 5 months ago in context
    • @scribus At this point it has become a footnote in history and lost any kind of cultural significance beyond furry porn. There were a few films in the cinema but they were purely driven by nostalgia. I haven't seen any child wearing any kind of Digimon T-shirt or alike in a very very very long while. Also the name only pops up in conjunction with: "Do you remember Digimon?". Digimon can be considered functionally dead from my point of view. My interest in Digimon died somewhere in the first third of the Digimon Tamers TV Series and it was not big before.

      about 5 months ago in context
  14. My bank account has lost money after I pre-ordered Infinite Wealth.

    about 5 months ago from web
  15. More forbidden cookies

    about 5 months ago from web
  16. Tying braces is trickier than anticipated. I worked up to a technique that is fine, especially handling the extra piece of string. Had it known that it would be such a hassle I'd take the ones with belts and buckles.

    about 5 months ago from web
    • @adiwan I found some one-handed shoe tying methods that might help, think it was actually on some disability-related site. I use one where you tie one end of the string to the uppermost eyehole so you just pull to tighten and kind of finagle it around at the wrist into a knot

      about 5 months ago in context
  17. I bought myself very cheap and simple black leather bracers (~15€), the type that tie only with a string. I intent to wear them next time the roads are slippery in order to prevent scratches on my arm, as my jacket didn't do anything to prevent that. These bracers slide constantly up and down as it is really difficult to put tension on the string and it is easy to overdo it for a comfortable and tight fit.

    about 6 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Research I should have done earlier say that is normal that they slide and don't fit right away. Either they have to be worn long enough that they mold to the arm shape and create more friction area, or some cloth or else is worn under the bracers, or the bracers are tied/sewn to the worn shirt.

      about 6 months ago in context
    • @adiwan I got a pair of leather bracers for LARP, they definitely have seemed to fit better over time. I usually have the sleeves of my puffy shirt tucked into them, so that probably helps, too, but I also mostly only do it that way because the inner side of the eyehole brass thingies that you run the lace through are irritating directly on my arm

      about 6 months ago in context
    • @scribus As a 100 % T-shirt wearer I feel that what you mean. Right now it's the rough side of the leather that feels a little scratchy as well as the stitching.

      about 6 months ago in context
  18. Dudes... An empty high caliber military ammunition box is cheaper than a flimsy tin box of similar size. I cannot comprehend.

    about 6 months ago from web
  19. Gonna assemble myself a first-aid box. I have the feeling that all the ready-to-go purchasable ones are lacking in material and actually useful bandages. Also the ones with any number of pieces in the title are even more scummy as they count every single safety pin and other useless small piece. I want middle to big band-aids. Furthermore I don't need a hard plastic case or yet another nylon zip bag. For my car I need one of those ready-to-go ones that are mandated but that is a different thing.

    about 6 months ago from web
  20. OK... The birthday present was a huge success. It was received very well. Too well... To my dismay I got a request to make Unown tiles (from the 3rd Pokemon movie) for their birthday.

    about 6 months ago from web
  21. It's weird when acronyms have overlapping meaning. For example POS. I read it as Point Of Sales but the Internet abbreviates Piece Of Fluffle Puff that way. When the cashier is an asshole both can be applied.

    about 6 months ago from web
  22. For a birthday gift for a friend, and a small pokemaniac, I crafted a Mew stone carving (from the first Pokemon movie) out of polymer clay. I used Adobe Illustrator to trace a screenshot and 3D-printed a cookie cutter and stamped it into the polymer clay and added additional stone texture with a ball of aluminium foil. After baking it at 130°C (266°F) for 40 minutes I used the crappiest acrylic paint I own. It did the job but the paint is darkening so much when dry that they turn almost black. With a liberal amount of white and other brighter paint (yellow, orange, red) I got to the end eventually.

    about 6 months ago from web
  23. I just ordered a pack of blank ID cards. i want to use them as mini dry erase whiteboards for notes inspired by However I want to put magnets on the back so I can place and reorganize these notes on my whiteboard. I could write directly on the whiteboard but I'm quickly annoyed on how any bigger change needs to redrawn and thus rarely used. This is an effort to get more organized.

    about 6 months ago from web
  24. Hope everyone checked their kids’ champagne glasses for razor blades

    about 6 months ago from web
  25. AI image generation is dangerously addicting. It's like a loot box where one hope to get a good image or the perfect image. I've spent too much time yesterday generating portrait images for preparing to my D&D adventure. Also Bing's Dall-E has a content filter that makes it a little bit more tricky to make grotesque images. For example I wanted to create a fleshy and bloody amalgam of unicorn body parts that assemble into one giant and colossal unicorn. The background is that the heroes have defeated the wizard that used unicorns and their blood to fuse animals together. However the remnants of that magic and unicorn blood and the disposed bodies were tossed into the sewers and spread through the rivers. Now they have to "clean up" the whole mess and be some kind of Ghostbusters but with bloody unicorn blobs with veiny tendrils instead of ghosts.

    about 6 months ago from web
  26. Also Unreal Engine 4 irks me a lot, especially loading scenes. There is so much texture loading delay that I'm not used to with the Dragon Engine. Also animations on load behave weirdly: A sitting person stands for a frame and snaps into a sitting position with physics-driven secondary animation wiggling wildly. In rarer occasions distant scenery also flash white.

    about 6 months ago from web
    • @adiwan It seems to actually be the Yakuza 5/0/Kiwami engine with an Unreal Engine wrapper over top which i think is part of why the game is so jank. Not sure what the game played like in Japan originally, but I imagine it wasn't very different.

      about 6 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra Makes sense that it is based on 5, as I found out that quite a few characters were in the original Japanese version. In the Unreal Engine remaster they were replaced by from 7. It's strange but I get it that Zhao is more popular than Baba.

      about 6 months ago in context
  27. I think I unwrapped my blood donation bandage at least an hour too soon O_O

    about 7 months ago from web
  28. Hot baths (above body temperature) feel good when sitting inside the bathtub but feel awful when getting out of the tub. My whole circulation system of my body is then out of whack and I feel sickly numb and real sweaty. I get it that it's a very fever-like reaction but damn it is not on my mind when sitting relaxed in the tub.

    about 7 months ago from web
  29. Can’t believe they let Hunter Biden present an award at the Game Awards

    about 7 months ago from web
  30. GTA 6... I wonder if there are realistic effects like someone's pee-pee and balls shrinking in the cold.
    As expected I was not impressed by anything in the trailer, especially when the release date will be in 2025. It's a nothing burger.

    about 7 months ago from web
    • @adiwan as somebody who spent the first several years of my life in Florida, my big takeaway is that it’s really cool that Rockstar is depicting what seems to be a fully realized version of South and Central Florida instead of just showing us pictures of Miami they got off of Google Images like they did with Los Santos and Liberty City. I’m excited for it.

      about 7 months ago in context